You don't play with crocodiles. Two people on a stroll at the end of an night, at the end of the Berlin myth of Prenzlauer Berg: they are sexy, they are young, they are forlorn. It could be a wild summer. There will be two happy days in Berlin. The movie tells the tale of a place, the tale of a love, the tale of longing for a new beginning. More than an extraordinary independent movie, a universal big-city novel which could, without that affectionate local color, take place in every metropolis. Exodus or exitus: 'Tenerife EXIT' plays between and with them both.
Six episodes taking place the night the Berlin Wall came down.
Зима 1941 года. Немецкий солдат Фриц Шменкель, разочаровавшись в войне, переходит линию фронта в лесах Смоленщины. Здесь он встречает партизанский отряд. Партизаны относятся к нему сначала скептически, недоверяют ему. Вскоре отношение к Шменкелю кардинально меняется - он участвует в опасных операциях, идет за линию фронта как разведчик. Партизаны называют его "Ваня". Фрица Шменкеля награждают орденом "Красного Знамени". В 1943 году Фриц попадает в руки к фашистам, его казнят. Посмертно удостоен звания "Герой Советского Союза".
Rolf Hubel
Kriminalist Adler
When 17-year-old Angelika moves to Leipzig, she is forced to rent a room at Mrs. Häublein’s for a start, since her parents will not follow until a few months later. Fellow tenant Thomas, a philosophy student, is not at all enthused about his new, pretty housemate. Because of Angelika he has to move into a smaller room. Furthermore, he is annoyed at her many male acquaintances, without sensing that his aggression might be prompted by jealousy. When Angelika’s father comes for a visit, he asks Thomas to keep an eye on his daughter. Thomas takes this assignment very seriously and finally realizes that he has fallen in love with Angelika.
Four directors - four styles - four episodes, all relating the events of a single night which has entered the history books: August 12-13, 1961. There are thousands of complex narratives connected with the frontier drawn through the middle of Berlin, and each episode relates the story of a difficult decision made on that night...
This comedic musical tells the story of Gabi, a young hairdresser from the Baltic coast who desperately wants to be a jockey. One day, she packs her bags, drives to Hoppegarten, and is soundly rejected by the head coach. Gabi doesn't want to give up, and in order to at least have a roof over her head, she rushes into a marriage with the seemingly nice Freddie. However, this marriage soon proves to be her second rejection, as Freddie openly dislikes the fact that she wants to be a jockey.