Michael Toland

Рождение : , New York City, New York, USA


The Stepmother 2
Elizabeth, a woman with dissociative identity disorder, cheats death and has now a new mission, to find a new family and live happily ever after, beyond her troubled past.
The Last Letter
Catharine Wright struggles with a debilitating sleep disorder. Her husband Michael struggles to cope when their new born son lay in the wake.
God's Country
Eden Graham
Meghan Doherty is a young, talented executive who neglects her mother and close friends to focus on one goal MAKING MONEY. After closing a multi-million dollar deal Meghan is asked by Mr. Randolph Whitaker (her boss/CEO) to close a deal of a lifetime. She's taking her talent to the Mojave Desert in hopes of getting a Christian land owner to turn over his land before auction. With a $100 million dollar potential deal looming, there is nothing that will stand in the way of her getting what she needs to further her career. Not even GOD? The foreclosed land in question, called God's Country, is owned by Eden Graham, a minister who runs a youth camp there, along with his wife and son, Jake. Upon arrival at the camp in her Ferrari and designer clothes, Meghan is clearly not a good fit, but Eden persuades her to stay; he promises to sign over the property to her if, during her weeklong sojourn there at the camp, she is not convinced of the value of what they are doing.
Остановка 2: Не оглядывайся назад
Mr. Hilts
Капрал Том Хилтс после долгого отсутствия возвращается в родной Техас, чтобы отыскать своего брата Джеймса, который год назад поехал со своей подружкой в Калифорнию и не вернулся. Заручившись помощью пары друзей, Том отправляется с ними по следам брата, но остановка на самой обычной пустынной бензоколонке вскоре кардинально меняет планы всех троих.
Romeo & Juliet: Sealed with a Kiss
Friar Lawrence / Capulet
A fully animated feature fantasy about two star crossed seals from warring families that fall in love against their parents' wishes. When Juliet's father gives her hand in marriage to the monstrous elephant seal Prince, Juliet must fake her death in order to be reunited with Romeo. But the plan goes afoul and it's a desperate race to the end. With the help of their friends Friar Lawrence and Kissy, the kissing fish, the day is saved and the young lovers are reunited. Romeo & Juliet: Sealed With a Kiss is the ageless tale of love and prejudice set in an undersea world. A film that can be enjoyed by the whole family.
Эдди и «Странники»
Kenny's replacement
Мэгги Фоули — репортер, берущая интервью у оставшихся членов группы «Странники», чья музыка снова вошла в моду. Воспоминания о лидере группы Эдди Уилсоне снова оказываются на первом плане, когда к группе после долгого перерыва присоединяется Фрэнк Риджвэй. Постепенно становится ясно, что кто-то разыскивает неопубликованные последние записи группы, и этот кто-то возможно сам Эдди.