Nada Pani


SA 204-272
A high representative goes by the narrow macadam road to the grand opening of the facility in a mountain village, another new victory of his own. In the car with him was not his wife but his mistress, a young and rather attractive girl. The car stucks in the quite large and deep puddle in the middle of the country road...
Regular Trains Station
In the fifties, a young Belgrade teacher girl, after finishing her school, and by the Ministry of education order, arrives to a remote town to educate people. Unready and inexperienced, she fails in building a bridge between herself and the environment where she was brought against her will, and conflicts start. The conflict with others soon causes the conflict with herself, which causes the tragedy...
Small Doorway
A family drama about a group of Sarajevo boys from the same block, who do childish pranks and spend their time in one of the basements.
Помнишь ли ты Долли Белл?
Лирическая драма о проблемах боснийской молодежи, жившей в его родном городе Сараево в 50-х годах, первом знакомстве с зарождающейся тогда поп-культурой, первой любви. Мальчишка из Сараево пытается гипнозом приблизить царствие коммунизма, покорить актрису Долли Белл или хотя бы воздействовать своим биополем на кролика.
Treasure in the Wall
A greedy trader who becomes convinced that a house is hidden in the wall of a house, decides to buy the house at all costs.
My Part of the World
A beautiful and poetic at the same time difficult and tragic story. In the distant mountain village in Herzegovina, shortly after the end of World War II, lonely women and children await the return of men from the front. The few men that remained in the village trying to go to America and find the salvation of the lumber and stone. Center of the story is loneliness and anticipation. This is a tragic story of two men whose fight for the heart of a woman cost the head of both.