Leo Jahn


The Iguana with the Tongue of Fire
Assistant Director
In Dublin, the acid-scarred, razor-slashed corpse of a young woman is discovered in the boot of the Swiss Ambassador's limousine. The Ambassador, his family and employees all become immediate suspects. Faced with the problem of diplomatic immunity, the police officer in charge of the case brings in John Norton, an ex-Inspector known for his brutal methods, to carry out an "unoffical" investigation. While Norton develops a relationship with the Ambassdor's attractive daughter, several more gruesome murders occur...
Дориан Грей
Молодость Дориана — его единственная вещь, имеющая ценность, и Дориан понимает, что рано или поздно постареет и потеряет свою красоту. Юный Грей желает только одного — любыми путями сохранить драгоценную молодость.