Marthe Sarbel


Ernestine (uncredited)
Личная жизнь Поля Браконнира и его жены Бландины очень далека от идеала. Лучшие супруги просто ненавидят друг друга — на грани желания убийства. Когда Поль слышит о Матра Обане, адвокате защиты, который не проиграл ни одного дела, он отправляется к законнику. Поль хочет знать, как он сможет убить жену и избежать наказания. Вдохновленный тем, что он услышал, Браконнир закалывает жену, в то время как она собралась отравить его…
The Treasure of Cantenac
While he was about to end his life, Baron de Cantenac wanted to return one last time to the land of his ancestors. He then discovers a treasure that he will strive to use to revive his village.
La logeuse
Based on a venerable Legend of the Sea, the story concerns a pliable prostitute named Bella (Romance) who is all things to all men. No matter what sort of woman her client wants, she will become that woman -- at least for the night. When a middle-aged man named Jean insists that Bella is his long-lost sweetheart, she plays along, hoping to escape her sordid lifestyle. The emotional tragedy that follows is meant to explain how Bella became "Maya," the living embodiment of Lost Souls.
A man remembers all the incredible stories that took place in his hotel.
Les trois cousines
The princess
To receive the inheritance of his uncle, who died in Brazil, Claude, who has no money, must absolutely marry one of his three cousins.
Love Around the Clock
Symbolizing the destiny of man, Hora imposes her destiny on everyone. She appears to a petty bourgeois trying to escape from his mediocre life, to a frivolous mother, to a reveler in nightclubs, to a man stranded without money in a restaurant, to a young sportsman, to a singer tired of the selfishness of his listeners and to a condemned man. To each, she brings the imperative message of Time...
Strange Suzy
To prevent her husband from starting a divorce procedure, a wife simulates madness.
Nine Bachelors
La cuisinière (uncredited)
Nine Bachelors is a 1939 French comedy film directed by Sacha Guitry and starring Guitry, Max Dearly and Elvire Popesco.[1] An opportunist dreams up a new scheme to make money when the French government passes a law forbidding foreigners from living in France. It's French title is Ils étaient neuf célibataires.
Visages de femmes
Georges Legrand is a young unscrupulous reveler. He seduces Fred, a woman doctor before shamelessly dumping her for Aline Ribourg, a tennis player. Soon fed up with his new conquest, he returns to Fred. But Aline is pregnant from him. Showing an admirable sense of self-sacrifice, Fred manages to persuade Georges to marry Aline.
Alexis gentleman chauffeur
Alexis, a former war pilot, attempted the Paris-Tokyo raid and failed. He became a taxi driver. The film actress, Margot Fontane, forgets her bag in the taxi and Alexis thus meets her. He goes to see the great actress shoot, he is hired for a small role as an aviator, and to simulate a take-off, he flies to Tokyo. It is the signal of happiness for the two lovers.
A reveler who has experienced setbacks tries to become unemployed without ever having worked.
The House Across the Street
The concierge
A man of integrity, Monsieur Pic is the accountant beyond reproach of the Banque Universelle. He would not dream of doing anything wrong and everybody knows it. He is therefore justly indignant when a wealthy woman offers him the position of administrator in the whorehouse she is opening soon. But only fools never change their minds and if Monsieur Pic finally accepts the position in the house across the Banque Universelle, he has three good reasons for that: first he does not get the promotion he deserved ; second, his son Albert is hired by Madame Anna as a decorator ; third, Hortense, his daughter has expressed the wish to "work" there too. The good point is that, once in the place, Pic will be rewarded for what he is worth. Even more important, the unfortunate father will be able there to keep a close eye on his two wayward children and protect them from temptation.
Le mari rêvé
A shy young composer gets a job as musical director, under a false name, at a music publisher. The editor has two charming daughters, one falls in love with the composer, and the other with the musical director, two people who are only one man... Complications, misunderstandings and a happy ending.
La coqueluche de ces dames
A young man realizes that his fiancée is asking the Mystery Prince for advice on the conduct of his future household. The Mystery Prince is a radio presenter adored by his listeners. To get rid of this cumbersome character, the young man makes one of his comrades pass for the presenter, who has become the worst of cads.
Le train d'amour
A doctor is married to an overly jealous wife who wants a divorce. He advises one of his very shy patients to take a mistress when he feels attracted to the latter's fiancée. The "sick", meanwhile, feels weaknesses for the wife.
Maître Bolbec et son mari
Maître Bolbec is a famous lawyer but the dress she is wearing is not the one her husband would like her to see. When she realizes that he is cheating on her, she gives up the bar, but she is even more taken up by her friends. Mr. Bolbec then begs her to resume her job and asks for the position of secretary.
La robe rouge
The error of an examining magistrate forever tears apart a happy and united family.
To Be Loved
Mrs. Costebrave
Gérard d'Ormoise, a young millionaire tired of the easy loves that his income earned him, takes the place of a friendly bartender. He marries the young and pretty duchess who first believed him to be an honest bartender, then a vulgar burglar.
Le grillon du foyer
Old Caleb has a blind daughter who he lies to about disasters happening to keep her happy. By chance he finds his son who disappeared at sea, that the marriage of his ex-fiancée with the villainous Tackleton does not take place and that everything ends for the best in the world...
The place is good!
Mme Dutilleul
A maid applies to a good position at the Dutilleul's, but she wouldn't know how good it was to be until people starts taking her for the lady of the house...
The Joker
Un soir au cocktail's bar
From 6 P.M. to 8 P.M., in a documentary fashion, the film shows different character types sitting, meeting, and working at a cocktail's bar.