Etoile Stewart


Вкус солнечного света
Dialogue Editor
Революции, войны, чудовищный фашизм, концентрационные лагеря заставляли их на протяжении долгих десятилетий изворачиваться под ударами судьбы, скрывать свое происхождение, изменять фамилию и веру, чтобы в конечном итоге прийти к выводу, что несмотря ни на что надо быть верным только самому себе и своему народу.
Good Citizen: Betty Baker
Assistant Sound Editor
Good Citizen: Betty Baker is a tongue-in-cheek mystery, full of unexpected twists. It features Betty, a civic-minded housewife who inhabits a cartoonish, 2-D, 1950s-inspired world, replete with narrow-minded peril. The story begins when Prince Philip goes missing and Betty finds a clue that leads her on a thrilling chase from her neighbour’s trash, to a strangely exciting all-girls bar, to the local chapter of 100% Women. Accompanied by the musical stylings of Marilyn Lerner, this frolicking satire irreverently unravels right-wing family values.
A Day in the Life of a Bull-Dyke
Screamer #1
A Day in the Life of a Bull-Dyke follows a big boned butch into skirmishes, drag, and the arms of a beautiful recruit. The public and private lives of this "strange animal" are explored with the reverence and glee found in the educational exposés like Reefer Madness and bad-boy films like Rebel without a Cause. However, because this fictionalized lesbian history is a first-person narrative, it is filled with all the joy, pain, and ambivalence each of us experiences while negotiating a marginalized identity.