James Houghton

James Houghton

Рождение : 1948-11-07, Los Angeles, California, USA


James Houghton


Пурпурный людоед
A kid plays the old novelty song "Purple People Eater" and the creature actually appears. The two then proceed to help an elderly couple who are being evicted by their greedy landlord.
A Case of the Stubborns
Jodie and his mum are grief-stricken by the passing away of Jodie's grandfather, but they soon find themselves with a lot more to be upset about when he gets determined not to stay dead.
Rev. David Thompson
A witch put to death in 1692 swears vengeance on her persecutors and returns to the present day to punish their descendants.
More American Graffiti
College graduates deal with Vietnam and other issues of the late '60s.
Я хочу держать тебя за руку
1964 год, расцвет битломании. Знаменитая ливерпульская четверка впервые прилетает в США. Три подруги — импульсивная битломанка Роузи Петрофски, фотокорреспондентка Грейс Корригэн, мечтающая сфотографировать Битлз, а также нейтрально относящаяся к музыке Пэм Митчелл уговорили знакомого простофилю Ларри Дюбуа «позаимствовать» отцовский лимузин и отправиться в Нью-Йорк, на телешоу Эда Салливана, где Битлз дадут первый концерт на территории Соединённых Штатов. По пути к ним присоединяются активистка- противница битломании Дженис Голдмэн и хулиган-дебошир Тони Смерко, втихаря задумавший сорвать выступление группы. Прибыв в Нью-Йорк, разношёрстная компания разбредается кто куда — кто на поиски билетов, а кто и на поиски самих Битлз, расположившихся в гостинице, тщательно охраняемой охраной
See How She Runs
Handsome Man
This is the story of a 40-year-old divorced teacher whose life is changed by her decision to enter the Boston Marathon.
One on One
Henry Steele is a basketball phenom at his small town high school, but when he matriculates to a big city university on a scholarship, soon realizes that he has few skills outside the sport. Expected by his coach to contribute significantly to the team, Henry is overwhelmed by the demands on his time, the "big business" aspect of college sports, and the fact that he never fully learned to read. Things look bleak for Henry when Janet Hays, a pretty graduate student, is assigned as Henry's tutor. Her intellect and strength lift Henry out of his doldrums just in time to battle the coach, who attempts to rescind Henry's scholarship.
The Dark Side of Innocence
Dennis Hancock
A suburban housewife's feeling that her life is standing still causes her to divorce her husband. This causes tension with her daughter, who bitterly resents her walking out on the family, and her mother, whose own beliefs about marriage and family are jolted by her daughter's divorce.
Alfred Brinkerhoff
The story of a pioneer family in the early 1800s that seeks its fortunes on the Ohio frontier.
Sweet Sugar
A young woman nabbed in a drug bust chooses to work on a sugarcane plantation with other convicts instead of going to jail.