Wendy Kilbourne

Wendy Kilbourne

Рождение : 1964-06-29,


Kilbourne was only eighteen when she has appeared in television for the first time. It was March 1983, when she guest appeared in one of the Matt Houston (1982) episodes. She reprised that role once again, next year (it's unknown if she has done some commercials earlier or not). In the same year she played in the TV movie Calendar Girl Murders (1984). But currently, her most popular was her her next role, which was Constance Flynn/Hazard from the "North and South" trilogy. In 1985, she met her future husband James Read. It was on the set of North and South (1985). They played a married couple. They continued their affair during making  North and South, Book II (1986) and finally got married two years later. They live in California and have at least one son; Jackson (born 1991). They remain in touch with other co-stars from "North and South" - Genie Francis and Jonathan Frakes (also married). Since "North and South" times Kilbourne has played in plenty of TV movies and a couple of TV series. None of them, though, has allowed her to become a big Hollywood star.


Wendy Kilbourne
Wendy Kilbourne


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