Доктор Бенджамин и его семья управляют пансионом в лесу, где проводят эксперименты над ничего не подозревающими гостями.
Theory of Obscurity tells the story of the renegade sound and video collective known as The Residents…a story that spans 40 years and is clouded in mystery. Many details surrounding the group are secret, including the identities of its members. They always perform wearing masks and costumes, which is part of their magic. At its heart, this story is about perseverance and chasing your dream. The Residents never caved to convention. They never compromised. They’ve followed their muse for decades and thousands of fans have hung on for the ride. Along the way they’ve also inspired many people to be weird, take chances and find their own voice.
Gen. Gray
Лейтенант отряда особого назначения Джон Мерфи получает задание разобраться, как целый ряд бесследно исчезнувших солдат и офицеров был оправдан военным трибуналом несмотря на совершенное воинское преступление. Под видом новобранца он зачисляется в элитный отряд базы и подбирается к разгадке страшной тайны, не подозревая, что следующей жертвой маньяков, устраивающих охоту на людей, будет он сам.
A family begins to fall apart when their eldest daughter is diagnosed with schizophrenia.
At Camp North Pines for Boys, the campers, led by the charismatic Franklin Reilly, stage a revolt against the strict owner, Mr. Warren, and lock him and the rest of the counselors up and take over the camp for themselves. But the revolt soon spirals out of control as the boys also lead a takeover of the nearby girls camp as well. Then, Mr. Warren is accidently killed trying to escape. Soon friction happens between the two boys and girls camps, while one camper, a certain Donald Poultry, tries to get the word out and unseat Franklin as the leader.