Диана и Рэнд - беззаботная молодая пара, не знающая никаких проблем. Но все рушится с исчезновением Митча, финансового консультанта и друга Рэнда, присвоившего деньги, которые Рэнд тайно «заимствовал» у своей фирмы. Униженный и отчаявшийся Рэнд совершает самоубийство, оставив Диану без средств.
Она отправляется к друзьям в Калифорнию через всю Америку, но застревает в захудалом техасском ресторанчике, где ей приходится работать официанткой. Единственное, что помогает Диане снести тяготы новой жизни - дружба с помощником шерифа Нандо Лопесом. Когда же в ресторане неожиданно объявляется Митч, Диана решает отомстить любой ценой…
Brain cells from a murdered woman are transplanted into an FBI agent, in the hopes of finding the killer.
Fact-based drama, set in 1910 Milwaukee, about an older married woman, bored with her husband, and her dead son's friend she takes as a lover and hides in her attic over the next two decades -- an affair that ends in murder.
Joanne Mayfield, head of the parental school commission, behaves like a dictator and makes all the other women her enemies. But when she suddenly falls dead on a party after having a sandwich, the main suspect is Susan, who served her the food. The handsome detective Joe Russo interrogates her repeatedly and they become friends. He invites her to help him with the investigation, what she happily accepts - too happily, says her husband.
The plot chronicles the exploits of Michael, a teenager who is using marijuana and stealing his father's beer. His younger sister, Corey, is worried about him because he started acting differently. When her piggy bank goes missing, her cartoon tie-in toys come to life to help her find it. After discovering it in Michael's room along with his stash of drugs, the various cartoon characters proceed to work together and take him on a fantasy journey to teach him the risks and consequences a life of drug-use can bring and save the world. Financed by Ronald McDonald House Charities, it features an introduction by President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush.