Franco Moraldi


Hunted City
(as Francesco Moraldi)
Commissario Paolo Ferro (Maurizio Merli) stars as a (typical) tough cop again. This time he returns to the city of Milan to go after a murder corporation. Acampora (Mario Merola) is believed to be the prime suspect although he later proves to be one of the mafia's targets. As if all that wasn't enough, Paolo has to face his own nephew who seems to be involved in all sorts of dirty business.
Blazing Flowers
Prison Warden
Pino Scalise discharged from the prison he was in for robbery, take refuge in Milan at the home of his uncle. Pino falls in love with one of the uncle's two daughters, who has become a prostitute because of Don Ciccio, head of a gang that traffics in drugs. Pino, now an informer to Police Commissioner Morani, makes plans to take the boss down.
Killer Cop
De Marchi
The investigation of the bombing of a hotel lobby as seen through the eyes of a young detective.
Five Women for the Killer
Thriller about a reporter who comes home from an overseas assignment to find his baby in the hospital and his wife dead...
The Great Kidnapping
In early seventies Italy, plagued by criminality and political terrorism, a fearless police commissioner is sent to restore law and order in a northern industrial town devastated by a recent wave of violence and kidnappings..
French Police Chief
Итальянский офицер решает взять дело в свои руки, когда его жену берут в заложники безжалостные преступники.
La colonna infame
Historical drama, based upon the novel by Alessandro Manzoni.
We Want the Colonels
Italy 1973. Giuseppe Tritoni (Ugo Tognazzi) is an ultra-right-wing congressman that doesn't agree anymore with his fascist party policy. He contacts many Italian Army officers and built a net of relationship in order to organize a Coup d'Etat (Golpe). Something goes wrong and the Interior Minister (Home Secretary) Mr. Li Masi (Lino Pugliesi) got the all information about the attempted Golpe. So the Minister organizes a counter-Golpe. Tritoni desperately, to save his project, kidnaps the Italian Republic President (Claude Dauphin) that immediately dies for heartache. Now Minister Mr. Li Masi is free to lay down the law to the rest of the country, realizing basically the actual Golpe! Tritoni surrenders and will spend rest of his time trying to sell his ideas about managing Golpe in Africa!
Смерть приходит в полночь
L'ispettore Capo Toscano
Фотомодель Валентина соглашается на эксперимент по применению нового наркотика, во время которого она видит жестокое убийство. Через день, девушка оказывается в той самой квартире, где произошло убийство. Более того, на нее нападает тот самый маньяк, намереваясь, разумеется, её убить. Валентине, однако, удалось спастись, и она рассказала об этом инциденте не только своему бой-френду но и полицейскому инспектору, который, разумеется, ей не поверил. Таинственный убийца, впрочем, не перестал докучать фотомодели, и тогда она предприняла попытку самостоятельно распутать клубок навалившихся проблем...
Scream of the Demon Lover
The Mayor
A beautiful young woman travels to a remote estate to seek employment as a biochemist for Baron Janos Dalmar. She finds herself attracted to him, so immerses herself in her work to suppress her lusty desires. A rash of rather brutal murders occurs in the area and she soon discovers that the Baron is not what he seems.
Учитель из Виджевано
Учителю Антонио Бомбелли на скромную жизнь с семьей едва хватает его небольшого заработка. Жена Ада постоянно упрекает его за то, что у них нет достаточных средств и она не имеет возможности приобретать для себя модные и красивые вещи. Не вынеся упреков жены, Антонио подает в отставку и вместе с братом Ады открывает сапожную мастерскую, дела которой начинают быстро процветать. Однажды наивный Антонио проговаривается друзьям о некоторых темных махинациях брата Ады, и полиция накрывает мастерскую.
The Reunion
Two members of a former group of friends find themselves after many years by chance through the streets of Milan; after a moment, memories of the past resurface.