Charles Woolf

Рождение : 1926-10-30, Los Angeles, California, USA

Смерть : 1994-06-18


Эльвира - Повелительница Тьмы
На телезвезду Эльвиру неожиданно обрушивается наследство в виде тетушкиного поместья в маленьком городишке. Местное население при виде Эльвиры в сногсшибательном платье со сногсшибательным декольте испытывает настоящий шок. Женская половина обитателей города приходит в негодование, мужская — в восторг. Но Эльвира дает отпор не только местным ханжам, но и зловещему Князю Тьмы, оказавшемуся здесь же…
Peter and the Magic Egg
A boy named Peter must save Easter. An evil character named Tin Whiskers takes over the town and re-names everything including the streets to have tin in the name. He has several animal friends who help him and Mother Nature even gives him help.
Thanksgiving in the Land of Oz
Uncle Henry (voice)
Dorothy is carried back to Oz by a green turkey balloon on the final Thanksgiving she is to spend with her aunt and uncle, who are moving to a retirement community. She meets Jack Pumpkinhead, The Hungry Tiger, and Tic Toc (sic), and must stop the evil Tyrone the Terrible Toy Tinkerer (looking suspiciously like John R. Neil's depiction of the Nome King), who brings the balloon to life.
Carlton Your Doorman
Pop (voice)
Rhoda's camera-shy doorman gets his own special in which we see his daily habits, including flirting with joggers and making the rounds of local watering holes.
Puff, the Magic Dragon
Short Doctor
Jackie is a boy who is so trapped by his fears and doubts that he could not communicate with anyone. Then, a magic dragon named Puff comes to help Jackie by taking his soul force on a wonderous voyage to his island of Honah Lee. Along the way, they have adventures that nurture Jackie's imagination and courage in unorthodox ways.
The Mouse and His Child
Bluejay / Paper People (voice)
A mouse and his child, the two parts of a single small wind-up toy, go on a quest to become "self-winding".
Sheila Levine is Dead and Living in New York
Sheila Levine is a Jewish-American princess and a native of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. An innovative, bright, but painfully introverted individual, she comes to New York City with her mother and father to take an apartment with a nightclub-hopping roommate.
Darktown Strutters
Inspector Fallow
When a prominent abortion clinic owner goes missing along with a string of other black community leaders, her singing daughter and her fellow female biker gang members investigate.
Леди поет блюз
Reporter #3
Фильм рассказывает историю легендарной джазовой певицы Билли Холидей.
Части тела
Jeff's Dad
Поссорившись с соседкой по комнате, Шерил переезжает в отель, принадлежащий ее тете, в центре Лос-Анджелеса. Но жильцы в отеле оказываются странными, тетушка Марта досаждает нравоучениями. А самое главное, о чем Шерил еще не подозревает, — за ней охотится убийца.
Last of the Red Hot Lovers
A middle aged restaurateur begins to feel the desire to roam and realizes that one day each week, his mother's apartment will be empty all afternoon. He makes several attempts at seduction, only to learn that it is much more complicated and difficult than he could have imagined.
Долина кукол
Reporter (uncredited)
Три истории о мечтающих об успехе актрисах, каждой из которых предстоит отыскать свой путь, пройдя через испытания славой, неудачные романы, увлечения алкоголем и наркотиками.
Student (Uncredited)
Sheltered by her conservative parents, a small-town teenager finally goes out on a date.