Tom Regan


Живи и дай жить другим
Himself - Distinguished Professor of Philosophy
Фильм, в котором рассматриваются наше отношение к животным, история веганства, а также этика, охрана природы и забота о здоровье как причины, побуждающие людей стать веганами.
A Cow at My Table
Himself - Philosopher, Activist
A Cow at My Table explores Western attitudes towards farm animals and meat, and the intense battle between animal advocates and the meat industry to influence the consumer's mind. Five years in production took Director Jennifer Abbott across Canada, the US, Australia and New Zealand to meet with the leaders of the animal rights movement, animal welfare advocates as well as spokespeople from livestock industries. A Cow at My Table inter-cuts these diverse perspectives with archival films, images from modern-day agribusiness and footage of farm animals shot from uncharacteristic vantage points.
The Animals Film
The film offers a comprehensive examination of the exploitation of animals in modern society.
Всю ночь напролет
Менеджера фармацевтической компании Джорджа Дюпле после конфликта с боссом понижают до продавца в круглосуточной аптеке. Дома тоже не все гладко. Попытка Джорджа пресечь роман сына Фредди с замужней женщиной Шерил приводит к неожиданным последствиям: он сам влюбляется в молодую женщину. Конфликт в семье заставляет терзаться отца семейства: прав ли он, что с головой окунулся в страстный роман?..
Rape and Marriage: The Rideout Case
Based on the well-publicized Oregon criminal case of the late 1970s, this film dramatizes the unique dispute in which Greta Rideout instigated the prosecution of her husband, John, charging him with raping her.
Flamingo Road
A carnival drifter marries into an aristocratic family and unwillingly takes on a ruthless sheriff who fancies himself a political kingmaker in this pilot film to the later series.
Detective #2
Loosely based on the life of Jimmy Hoffa, this traces the rise of Tommy Vanda (Joe Don Baker) from a Chicago dock worker to an influential labor leader who, like Hoffa, finds himself behind bars in a federal prison, and not long after, taken for a ride by shady men never to be seen again.
Crisis in Mid-Air
The life of a stressed-out air controller falls apart as he battles a court case involving a mid-air collision for which an investigator is trying to hold him responsible.
With This Ring
Secret Service Man
A romantic comedy about various engaged couples and their families who, as wedding dates rapidly approach, are caught up in a whirlwind of emotional crises, from past loves and parental pressure to social and financial obligations.