Miluše Zoubková

Рождение : 1923-07-07,

Смерть : 2005-05-30


Serpent's Poison
Her mother dead, 18-year-old Vladka travels to a remote village in the dead of winter to find the father she has never met. The happiness of their initial meeting gives way to the daughter’s disappointment and concern over the hardworking man’s alcoholism.
Payment in Kind
In an unusual, apolitical approach, director Jaromil Jires has fashioned a standard drama that features an older lawyer with failing health who goes to practice in the countryside. His series of odd court cases reveals more about the human condition than about law. In one of these litigations a wayward nephew has cheated his elderly aunt out of her savings. In court, the nephew insists the money was a gift, but his aunt explains she only gave him the money as a loan. Although the lawyer technically wins the case, everything of value seems lost in the meantime. His services are paid for in rabbits because the aunt has no currency, and in the end, the nephew cons his aunt into parting with her savings anyway. Other cases expose similar types of petty corruption.
Muž a žena
Madame Sans-Gène
Slasti Otce vlasti
The young Prince Charles (Jaromír Hanzlík), the future King of his country Charles IV, is being educated at the French court in the company of his fiancée Blanche (Daniela Kolárová). One day he receives a summons from his father John of Luxembourg (Milos Kopecký) in Italy. He leaves for Italy accompanied by a deputation from Bohemia. On the way the prince's company fights a battle with armed Milanese against heavy odds. Thanks to Charles's perspicacity, the prince's almost naked soldiers win through. In Lucca in Italy Charles joins his father, and here he experiences an amorous adventure and escapes from the traps laid by the Italian rebels.
On the Tightrope
Как Франта научился бояться
Сказка о том, как Франта, который не боялся ничего на свете, научился бояться и как мельница была освобождена от духов.
Адвокат Петр Климеш ведет на первый взгляд ничем не примечательное дело о разводе супругов Бранд, выступая на стороне жены - театральной актрисы Ольги Бранд. Всё выглядит вполне заурядным - измена мужа, ссора. Но вечером после первого судебного заседания клиентка сообщает адвокату по телефону, что её муж застрелен...
Master armourer Tomás has young wife Alena, of whom he is very jealous. One day the ruler of town sees Alena and decides to win her over for himself. To get a free hand for his love affairs, he sends Master Tomás to acquire more skills in Flanders. Jealous husband does not know how to secure fidelity of his beautiful wife while he is away, and finally accepts aid of the devil, to whom he signs his soul as a reward. Devil in the disguise of Master Ondrej works in Tomás's workshop and protects Alena against various courtiers and the ruler of town. But finally he falls in love with Alena himself and becomes her lover.
Война за веру: Последний повстанец
Начало XV-го века, по всей Европе пылают костры инквизиции на которых горят неугодные Риму еретики. Одним из таких отступников оказался магистр Ян Гус, восставший против власти церкви в процветающей Праге… Но иногда смерть одного человека может пошатнуть основы религии и могущество целой империи. Восставший после смерти Гуса народ несколько десятилетий вел в сердце Европы кровопролитную войну за веру своего учителя. И даже римский император Сигизмунд со всей армией крестоносцев не мог одолеть в битве полки, идущие в бой под знаменем с чашей — символом Гуситов. Бесстрашные воины бились с рыцарями императора, пока не остался лежать на поле брани последний повстанец. Эта кровопролитная война стала настоящей легендой, а о её героях народ слагает песни уже много веков.