Henri Niel


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Le président du tribunal (uncredited)
Молодой композитор Клод влачит жалкое существование в одном из бедных Кварталов захолустного городка. Он подрабатывает учителем пения в школе, — над ним смеются ученики и подшучивают друзья детства — обладатели более земных профессий, а ко всему прочему сосед, владелец автомастерской, мешает сочинять ему музыку, заглушая звуки пианино (которое вот-вот заберут за неуплату аренды) ревом моторов. Утонченный Клод убегает от удручающей реальности в свои сны, которые переносят его в разные эпохи. Там он — известный композитор, храбрый офицер, сражающийся в Африке, светский лев и одновременно революционер, мушкетер и дамский угодник. Мир снов гораздо ярче и реалистичнее мира подлинного.
Ils sont dans les vignes...
In 1935, in the Burgundian village of Valromey, Commissioner Desbordes was the very unpopular leader of the anti-alcoholic league. His own brother, Pimpin, is an unconditional defender of the vineyard. Pierre Moreau is, for his part, the representative of a hygienic drink, the "Koku-Kolu". The cafe owner's daughter, Rose, will find the man very to her liking and will manage to seduce him.
Господин Такси
Edmond - le 'gros' automobiliste
Водитель такси Пьер Вержер, по прозвищу Господин Такси, колесит по Парижу со своей собакой по кличке Гангстер. Лучшие клиенты таксиста, конечно, богатые иностранцы. Однажды одна из его пассажирок забывает в машине сумочку с большой суммой денег. С этого момента и начинаются злоключения нашего героя. Пьер пытается разыскать иностранку, чтобы вернуть ей деньги, но безуспешно...
The Forest of Farewell
A young girl marries a man she doesn't love and delights in humiliating him.
Господин Легиньон, фонарщик
M. Chadoul - le bistrotier du quartier (uncredited)
После того, как фонарщик Диоген Легиньон (Ив Деньо) был выселен за неуплату из своего дома, он вместе с женой поселился в пустом заброшенном доме, где местные дети сделали свой тайник. Обнаружив сокровища в виде столового серебра, Диоген быстро смекнул продать их, но другие жители квартала узнали про это и рассудили, что "клад" принадлежит рабочим.
Massacre in Lace
Un serveur et employé du Triana-Club
Cock-eyed reporter Georges Masse enjoys a peaceful vacation in Venice. Which does not please his boss as he is not supposed to be... in vacation! P'tit Louis, Georges' blundering but faithful photographer, is sent to Venice with a mission: pull up his socks. But Georges is not so dormant as he appears. Behind the scenes, he investigates the activities of a gang that cleans out Venice. Quite logically, he soon finds himself face to face with a bunch of shady brutal characters, among whom Zélos, a Greek nightclub owner, and Alessandro Cassidi, a powerful motor manufacturer married to the alluring Clara, twice younger than he is...
Les petites Cardinal
The concierge
Napoleon III, the Commune, the third Republic in the background. In the foreground, two pretty, talented sisters, Virginie and Pauline Cardinal. They are ballerinas at the Opera de Paris and very much courted by wealthy, elegant men. They will manage to climb in the society of their time, despite parents set on respectability but also attracted by money.
Жюльетта, или Ключ к сновидениям
Этот фильм «грустный и поэтичный рассказ о юном герое, которому нет счастья в реальном мире, и который ищет забвения в мире грёз».
Dear Caroline
Van Krift
France, July 1782. During her birthday, the beautiful young Marchioness Caroline meets the attractive soldier Gaston. It's love at first sight but Gaston does not wish to make a commitment because a military career waits for him. Caroline marries then a politician but the French Revolution bursts and Caroline has to run away to escape the guillotine. By running away she meets Gaston again who decides to help her.
Le Roi des camelots
Fat father (uncredited)
How Robert, who does not manage to impose himself in the representation, sees his life turned upside down when he begins a career as a street vendor, which, thanks to his resourcefulness, turns out to be more and more brilliant.
Le tampon du capiston
Cochu, a peasant, is the whipping boy of his regimental comrades. He is called "buffer of the capiston", that is to say the captain's order. But he finds himself in the service of Hortense, the captain's sister.
A provincial ingenue leaves her mother’s tobacco shop with dreams of a life in the Parisian theater, only to become entangled in relationships with a lecherous aristocrat, his starry-eyed nephew, and an old ham actor.
Мари из порта
Un joeur de belote à la brasserie (uncredited)
После похорон отца, Мари устраивается работать в кабачок. Там она знакомится с цивильным мужом старшей сестры, которая приехала на похороны. Между ними пролетает искра заинтересованности... Одиль ле Флемм - девушка из многдетной семьи. Она приехала из провинциального городка Пор-ан-Бессен в Шербур и стала любовницей владельца ресторана, Анри Шателяра. Шателяр и Одиль приезжают на родину девушки на похороны ее отца. После похорон Шателяр знакомится с сестрой Одиль - Мари, следующей по возрасту в семье. Мари влюбляется в него...
Миллионеры на один день
Le gros homme (uncredited)
A typographer makes a mistake by printing the winning number of the national lottery. Many people believe they have won the jackpot. Pursued by his newspaper editor, the worker appears in court where all mystified people are invited to testify.
The Farm of Seven Sins
L'aubergiste (uncredited)
In 1825, Paul-Louis Courier, a Republican writer known for publishing pamphlets against the French monarchy, was killed in the farm where he had retired. Was it a political assassination or a vicious crime? Those who have known him loved him or hated him are interrogated by the police. Will the guilty person(s) be ferreted out?
The Cupid Club
Le directeur de la prison
Isabelle is a lawyer who has Flip, a private detective, convicted of speeding. But shortly after, a murder is committed of which Isabelle's best friend is suspected. To save her, Isabelle is forced, despite her reluctance, to ask Flip for help, who agrees to look for the culprit.
История Манон Леско перенесена в первые послевоенные годы. Робер Дегриё, солдат армии французских повстанцев, встречает Манон, когда разъяренная толпа пытается линчевать девушку за сотрудничество с немцами. Робер берет несчастную под стражу до суда, но, очарованный её красотой, бежит вместе с ней в Париж. Добравшись до столицы, молодые люди оказываются под влиянием брата девушки, Леона Леско - мелкого мошенника и контрабандиста. Любящая деньги и роскошную жизнь Манон начинает изменять Дегриё с богатыми любовниками, поощряемая собственным братом, который стремится извлечь выгоду из авантюр сестры. Вскоре безнадежно влюбленный в красавицу Робер также становится на преступную стезю…
Impasse of Two Angels
Stage actress Marianne has decided to give up her career to marry wealthy nobleman Marquis Antoine de Fontaines. As a wedding present, Antoine gives his future wife a precious diamond necklace, which is coveted by a gang of crooks. Jean, one of them, is given the mission to approach Marianne and steal the necklace from her. The only trouble is that when he meets her, she recognizes him as the man she once loved.
Скандал в Клошмерле
L'abbé Jouffe (uncredited)
В центре небольшого городка власти для удобства мужского населения установили туалет, точнее писсуары, лишь слегка прикрытые от взгляда прохожих. Ноги и голова — на виду, ну а то самое — скрыто.
M. Gilles, un envoyé de l'institut pour le vote
After losing her only child and falling for another man, a wife no longer loves her husband, but he thinks if he takes her back to some of the places they enjoyed in earlier years, it might rekindle their doomed marriage.
The Eleven O'Clock Woman
Stanislas Oscar Seminario, aka SOS, is a young explorer, just back from Africa, visiting old friends: the Pescara's. But the father keeps receiving anonymous letters. And soon a mysterious murder is committed. SOS begins to investigate...
By the Window
Gaston, nicknamed Pilou, has left his native village and Yvette, the girl of his heart, to go to Paris where he has found work as a painter. He is a naive good-natured man who, like most of his fellow-workers, favors a little song or two while he works. For the time being he is busy repainting the exterior of a block of flats and, when he does not sing to pass the time, he looks through the windows, observing the tenants in their daily lives. As time goes by, he goes as far as intervening and changing the course of their lives. In the end, despite having found a lookalike of his fiancée, he returns to her.
Набережная Орфевр
Inspector #1
Париж, Франция, декабрь 1946 года. Дженни Ламур, амбициозная певица кабаре, и Морис, ее крайне ревнивый муж-пианист, оказываются вовлечены в тщательное расследование убийства сомнительного бизнесмена, которое ведет Антуан, своеобразный и методичный инспектор полиции.
Noah's Ark
Bitru is a carefree fellow who, one day, decides to buy a houseboat on the River Seine. He moves there and starts living surrounded by a circle of colorful friends. Among them, the daughter of an auto maker but also a group of scientists who have developed "Aqua Simplex", a device that could enable motorists to fill their tanks with... water ! Panic sets in in the automobile industry and Bitru is appointed his friends' middle man to represent them on the various car makers directors' boards.
Le charcutier de Machonville
In a town on the banks of the Saône1 Grasalard, a butcher, likes to feast and play boules with his friends. Although married, he falls in love with another woman.
Land Without Stars
Simon's life is troubled by images of a crime which happened in his family a hundred years ago. While traveling in south France, he finds the landscape familiar. That's when he meets Catherine and falls in love. But her lover comes back and his strong personality attracts her again.
My Last Mistress
A renowned sculptor aged about fifty years, François Bressolles falls for the young Catherine Collet whom he convinces without difficulty to pose for him. Complications ensue when he starts to go blind.
He Is Charming
A French musical comedy film, one of the many operetta films made in the 1930s. Rejected for the law after cheating with his fellow students, a frivolous youth gets a job as a notary in the provinces where he hires his girlfriend and they have a fine musical time.
A story among a thousand