Ben Andrews
Рождение : 1975-04-02, Jerome, Idaho, USA
Ben Andrews is an American director, producer and film and television actor.
Профессиональная знахарка, мадам Жозефина, делится секретами ремесла с посетителями своего магазина, специализирующегося на изготовлении и продаже предметов колдовского характера. Бывалая колдунья помогает людям со всяческими душевными и материальными проблемами, но настоятельно рекомендует им придерживаться одного простого правила — колдовать исключительно из чистых побуждений.
Amanda, a fashion model, and a single mother is kidnapped by two brothers with plans to sell her on the dark web. Held hostage in a remote cabin, Amanda must do whatever it takes to escape her captors and get back to her daughter.
Fresh out of middle school, The Lunchbox Brigade risks it all to rescue one of their own from the perils of parent-assigned summer camp.
Executive Producer
Fresh out of middle school, The Lunchbox Brigade risks it all to rescue one of their own from the perils of parent-assigned summer camp.
Camp Counselor
Fresh out of middle school, The Lunchbox Brigade risks it all to rescue one of their own from the perils of parent-assigned summer camp.
Is inner beauty more important than shopping? Can homosexuals read? Does prostitution solve everything? And who is she wearing? Discover the answers to these and other existential questions in Fallen Jewel - a new motion picture brought to you by the creators of the acclaimed Capitol Hill series. Featuring sensational original soundtrack, fierce fashion, plenty of man-candy and vibrant performances, it's the queer pop-art fantasia you've been waiting for your whole life. Waxie Moon, a "burlesque performer for a new century" - NPR, searches for a perfect man between exuberant musical numbers and the unspeakable ordeals of motherhood. Addicted to romance and dressed to kill, Waxie is always ready to fall in love. In the wildly shifting world where genders and genres are fluid, Waxie's adventures include a trip to the underworld, a forbidden love affair in the 1950's, and even online dating!
Dr. Lieberman
Две сестры находят странный объект инопланетного происхождения.
Executive Producer
A young photographer doesn't know it, but he is about to take one of the worlds beloved photos. During the course of the evening, two people find love encapsulated in a moment. But love like this was never meant to be, unless it is captured forever in time.
A young photographer doesn't know it, but he is about to take one of the worlds beloved photos. During the course of the evening, two people find love encapsulated in a moment. But love like this was never meant to be, unless it is captured forever in time.
A young photographer doesn't know it, but he is about to take one of the worlds beloved photos. During the course of the evening, two people find love encapsulated in a moment. But love like this was never meant to be, unless it is captured forever in time.
Lucas Entertainment celebrates its 100th feature in true New York style. Set against the backdrop of the world of high-stakes finance, WALL STREET sheds light on the secret backroom business deals when the pressure to buy and sell is too much.
Somebody's killing homeless people in Pioneer Square. John, an artist in the area, thinks he has a psychic link to the person and knows who it is. Or does he?
Israeli Security Officer
Сюжет основан на произведении Стивена Хартоу под названием Сердце Рамадана. Главный герой фильма — израильский спецагент Тони Экхард (Кристофер Ламберт). После провала контртеррористической операции, он попытается довести начатое дело до конца.
Действие фильма разворачивается на фоне Израиле-Палестинского конфликта. Международное подразделение по борьбе с терроризмом готовит ликвидацию лидера боевиков Амара Камиля (Винсент Риган). Во время проведения спецоперации военные убивают двойника Камиля, а сами оказываются в ловушке. Тони Экхард узнает, что подлинная цель осталась невредимой, и получает ранение. Вместе с уцелевшими агентами он уходит ни с чем.
Покушение приводит Камиля в ярость. Он собирает информацию обо всех участниках операции, чтобы отомстить. Спустя некоторое время неузнаваемый после пластической операции террорист отправляется на охоту за своими обидчиками. Благодаря новой внешности, Камиль успешно внедряется в окружение агентов с целью расправы...