Sencar Sağdıç


Zuhal, a successful lawyer living alone in the center of Istanbul, begins to hear the sound of a cat in her house one day. She sets out on a quest in her apartment to find this cat, which no one has heard of but herself.
Анатолийский леопард
Два сотрудника зоопарка в Анатолии пытаются скрыть от начальства и общественности смерть единственного леопарда, чтобы спасти зоопарк от закрытия.
İsmetse Olur
We Are a Family
Haluk, an incompetent factory owner, competes with his wife and skillful operations manager Güler. As the power crisis between the husband and wife escalates, someone unexpected will suffer from it in a most tragic way.
Дикая груша
Синан обожает литературу и всегда хотел быть писателем. Вернувшись в родную деревню он прикладывает невероятные усилия, чтобы собрать денег, которые нужны для издания книги. Но все собранные средства уходят на оплату долгов, которые оставил отец.
The Knights' Templar
Three old acquaintances debate different interpretations of the Koran, Christian sects, their lives, and life after death in a tiny, cramped neighborhood barber shop.
После того, как неудачи начали преследовать Селима, он возвращается в родной Измир из Стамбула, в котором жил и работал много лет. Селим развелся с женой, потерял работу и вся его жизнь пошла под откос. Вернувшись в родные пенаты Селим замыкается в себе, ни с кем не общается. Однажды гуляя в одиночку по побережью, он становится свидетелем экологической катастрофы, произошедшей в заливе. Весь город охватывает страх, люди начинают покидать дома. А этот случай встряхивает Селима, он оживает и старается выяснить, что произошло на самом деле и как теперь быть…
The residents of a small town set between a stormy sea and an ominous forest are becoming insane. They are convinced that successive signs appearing in the town are indications of doomsday.
The Apprentice
Alim works as a tailor's apprentice to Yakup for the past 15 years. Obsessive and fearful of death, he is stuck in the routine of a mundane life. He opens the store in the morning and either takes a nap or watches TV until his boss arrives. In the evenings, he goes home carpooling with Kemal from the coffeehouse. When he watches a new item on TV about the perils of cars running on LPG, he starts to check out each taxi he rides on to see whether it runs on autogas or not, each time, he marks a score. To avoid using a vehicle, he dicedes to move to a newapartment closer to work. This change he makes will be a vital turning point for Alim.
Kasap Remzi
I Am Not Him
Nihat, an introverted employee in a hospital cafeteria, is confused by Ayşe, a mysterious woman who just started working there as a dishwasher. Her obvious seductive approaches embarrass Nihat and make him nervous at the same time. Despite the rumors about her husband having been sentenced to many years in jail, Nihat reluctantly accepts Ayşe’s invitation to dinner at her house. This is the beginning of a strange and dangerous liaison. When Nihat discovers a picture of the woman’s husband and realizes that he looks astoundingly like him, the relation becomes even more toxic.
Bir Gevrek, Bir Boyoz, İki de Kumru
How much space does Zeynep take up in this vast universe? This is a city brimming with the struggling and the unemployed; aren’t their lives a bit like the infinite, tiny particles flying through the air? Zeynep is already trying hard to make ends meet when she gets fired from her job at a textile mill. The Particle follows her as she searches for a job. We follow her in and out of workspaces. Zeynep’s world – the streets and homes in Tarlabaşı – are dark and suffocating.
Kosmos is a thief and a miracle-worker. He appears one morning in a tiny, snowbound border village where he is welcomed with open arms – on account of arriving just in time to resuscitate a small boy who would otherwise have drowned.
Пять времен
Фильм о трех детях, живущих в неспешном течении времени деревни, зажатой между землей и морем, скалами и небом. Здесь единственным маятником, отсчитывающим течение времени, является минарет. Молитвы, на которые созывают пять раз в день, вращаются подобно солнцу и луне и чередуются подобно временам года, показывают пять времен человека, т. е. пять состояний сознания, их страхов и желаний, любви и зависти, веры и боли, криков и стонов, страсти и ненависти.
Mommy, I'm Scared
In an apartment building where neighbors, friends, and family are living in close quarters, three male protagonists encounter three phases of manhood in Turkish society. Directors Reha Erdem's light touch and slyly amusing style do not miss the opportunity to illuminate some serious points in a strictly patriarchal society.