Nick Benedict

Рождение : 1947-07-14, Los Angeles, California, USA


Жизнь порой преподносит совершенно неожиданные сюрпризы! Молодой одарённый студент Кайл Гриффин внезапно получает хорошо оплачиваемую должность стажёра в респектабельной строительной фирме. Ещё вчера Гриффин еле сводил концы с концами, а сегодня он - преуспевающий архитектор с шикарной квартирой и частый гость на вечеринках в доме своего босса. Гриффин допускает лишь одну непоправимую ошибку: Кайл не может устоять перед чарами роковой женщины. К несчастью, она - супруга его начальника.
Perfect Fit
An aimless young man turns to murder in order to satisfy the desires of his new girlfriend, a narcissistic blue jean fetishist.
Two men become entangled in a torrid love affair with the same woman. Pierre is Miriam's longtime lover. John is desperately searching for clues about his past when he and Miriam have a fateful encounter in a Berlin train station. The allure of forbidden love becomes irresistible, and an intense love triangle is ignited. Who will Miriam choose? Who will walk away? For two men who desperately adore the same woman and for the woman who loves them equally...there is no easy way out.
Angela Mooney Dies Again
Americans want to take over the Irish creamery Angela Mooney's husband built up. Everybody in town is delighted, with the exception of Mrs Mooney, who has her own reasons for being opposed to the sale of the business.
Courting Courtney
Mr. Sinise
Filmmaker Nick has decided to make a documentary about his best friend Courtney's love life. Courtney, a schoolteacher, has had a two-year on and off relationship with a guy who can't commit; she's also tried video-dating and a women's group. She never thought she'd have a problem finding the right guy and falling in love, but as she gets closer and closer to 30 she gets more and more desperate. Nick, on the other hand, is having as much trouble finding the right girl, and when his true feelings for Courtney come to light, they have to decide whether or not to stay just friends.
Beach House
Three college Freshmen move in with a beautiful sorority girl when they can't find on-campus housing.
Pistol: The Birth of a Legend
Press Maravich
A story about the great basketball player "Pistol" Pete Maravich when he was in the eighth grade. He plays on the varsity basketball team at Daniel High School but has some very difficult obstacles standing in his way of playing. The only support he has is from his father, retired basketball pro Press Maravich.
Memories of Murder
Mr. Bates
A woman who had been suffering from amnesia suddenly gets her memory back. However, she finds that she's now married to a man who she doesn't think she really loves, and she keeps having visions of a young woman who she believes is out to kill her--but she can't get anyone to listen.
Rachel River
Christopher Burnette
A divorced mother pursues her career as a radio personality in rural Minnesota.
Пустая клетка
Заключенную-афроамериканку, уснувшую ночью в прачечной, насилует охранник, после чего она совершает самоубийство — вешается. А затем тот же охранник в карцере пытается изнасиловать главную героиню...
Slaughter's Big Rip Off
Vigilante Slaughter comes under attack from Duncan, a local money launderer whose hit-man traps Slaughter in a car at a cliff, but Slaughter escapes, arms himself, and goes after Duncan's hideout.