Avaah Blackwell

Avaah Blackwell


A powerful on screen presence, Avaah Blackwell consistently breaks new ground for women in film. Playing strong female leads, as well as being cast against gender (Ray - Rebel Without a Cause, Banquo - Macbeth, Sargeant Valant - A Soldier’s Farewell), Miss Blackwell is a testament to the leading edge product that gender neutral casting provides. A highly trained martial artist, and daughter of two Canadian Military personnel,  Avaah infuses her approach with a unique physical, and mental discipline. Merging this with her experience as a runway model  (Versace, Giorgio Armani, Toronto Fashion Week, Fashion Art Toronto), Events Director (ACTRA Studio District Film Party TIFF 2015,  HangLoose Media), Makeup Artist (Holt Renfrew, Nars, YSL, Shu Uemura, Laura Mercier, Prague Shakespeare Festival) and Casting Director/Associate ( Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol, Missing- ABC TV Series, I’m On It) Miss Blackwell offers a rare and valuable skillset to each project she commits to. Internationally trained, (Prague Film School, Dr. Sydney Berger, Nancy Bishop CSA, et al) Avaah’s performances have enchanted audiences across Europe (Cannes Film Festival, The Bear Theatre Company), Asia (Pi Fan) and North America (New York City International Film Festival, Calgary International Film Festival, Golden Panda, Studio 35 Festival, et al). Unexpectedly funny, Miss Blackwell’s comedic performance in the Winnipeg Fringe Festival earned her a nod of recognition from CBC. Avaah’s love for improv and standup comedy allows her amiable personality to shine both on and off camera. Currently in pre production for an exciting new Female MMA Feature Film entitled “Excelsis”, Avaah is studying under Steve Wilsher (Havoc Stunts), Kara Wooten P.H.D et al at the Academy of Dramatic Combat. Adjudicated and passed into the advanced program by John Stead, Miss Blackwell is excited to  sharpen her existing skills in Rapier and Dagger, Broad Sword, Small Sword, Quarterstaff, Unarmed Combat, and Safety for Combat Rehearsal and Execution.   Miss Blackwell’s experience as a Rotary Youth Ambassador (Sassenheim, The Netherlands) and upbringing in a military family has instilled in her a strong sense of service above self.  Avaah has a strong affinity for humanitarian efforts, especially those involving youth, seniors, veterans, gender equality, animals and the environment. Always eager to contribute, Miss Blackwell recently co-hosted and helped in organizing Rotaract Toronto’s Annual Fundraiser at the National Club, which raised over $7500.00 for Sketch Toronto.


Avaah Blackwell


Scarlett Jones
Riding off the heels of her sister Scarlett’s championship legacy, Cassady Jones is now the EFC Champion and the new face of women’s mixed martial arts. Alexa Star begins to rise quickly through the ranks with fervor to become the number one contender for the EFC championship. With ripples of excitement and anticipation, Cassady and Alexa collide for the first time only to find themselves in a melee that shocks the entire sports world, while leaving EFC in the most tumultuous period of its history. As Donna and Nikki fight to keep the floundering EFC alive, majority shareholder Frank Russo recruits John David for one last strike at liquidating and selling off the assets of the company while dissolving the only women’s mixed martial arts promotion in the country. With the future of the company at stake, the fight for EFC isn’t just another fight, it’s the fight for everything.
Vitality - Martha Graham
There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action,
and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. 
And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost. 
The world will not have it.. Dance Film Based on Martha Graham's Vitality featuring Canadian Dancer and teacher Alayna Kellet. Narrated by Avaah Blackwell.
Обитель зла: Раккун-Сити
30 сентября 1998 года. Клэр Редфилд возвращается в родной Раккун-Сити, откуда сбежала несколько лет назад ещё ребёнком. Тогда, после потери родителей, она с братом жила в местном приюте, который спонсировала градообразующая корпорация Umbrella, но теперь компания переехала, и городок приходит в упадок. Клэр замечает, что местные как будто чем-то заражены, но её брат-полицейский выглядит здоровым. Внезапно в городе включается сирена, а жителям рекомендуется не выходить из дома. Этой ночью всем придётся нелегко, а особенно — самой Клэр и небольшому полицейскому отряду, в том числе копу-новичку Леону Кеннеди.
Deadly Influencer
Doreen Madison
A young woman commits murder to keep her classmates' social media careers under her thumb. After killing a popular friend, she turns her sights on a new girl, but the girl's mother suspects the truth and will fight to protect her daughter.
Аварийная остановка
Featured Zombie (as Kearstin Plemel)
Решившая вздремнуть на обочине дороги Кирби Лейн обнаруживает, что её внедорожник сломался, а сама она оказалась в центре классического зомбиапокалипсиса. Её единственный компаньон — парень из автосервиса, который обещает, что эвакуатор приедет через пару часов, но... вокруг зомби, каннибалы и полуспятившие выжившие.
A dramatic short based on true events in which a brave mom hides a shocking truth from her daughter who believes she is a princess and mom is a warrior.
Sky Diver
A woman begins working at an institute that works to determine if the romance in a given couple is genuine.