Catalan architect Antonio Gaudí (1852-1926) designed some of the world's most astonishing buildings, interiors, and parks; Japanese director Hiroshi Teshigahara constructed some of the most aesthetically audacious films ever made. With camera work as bold and sensual as the curves of his subject's organic structures, Teshigahara immortalizes Gaudí on film.
"Слушай Песню Ветра" - экранизация одноименного романа Харуки Мураками. Фильм, как и книга, практически весь состоит из размышлений главного героя - студента, приехавшего в родной город на летние каникулы. Мало кого из ценителей творчества писателя оставит равнодушным подобное воплощение на экране режиссером Казуки Омори меланхоличных размышлений о жизни раннего Мураками.
1981 Japanese film based on the novel by Naoshiro Yoshimoto.
1981 Japanese film based on the novel by Naoshiro Yoshimoto.
A 19-year-old newspaper delivery boy begins collecting information on the households in his neighborhood and keeping a journal of why he doesn't like them. Declaring himself a 'right-winger' and calling in bomb threats against the neighbors he doesn't like, the 19-year-old begins a war of psychological terror against the families in his neighborhood.
1979 Japanese film.
1970s Japan saw the rise of biker gangs, known as Bōsōzoku, which drew the interest of the media. God Speed You! Black Emperor follows a member of the bike gang and his interaction with his parents, after he gets in trouble with the police.
The story takes place in feudal Japan, when any commerce with the rest of the world was strictly prohibited. An idealist suddenly appears in an isolated inn (the one that the title refers to), the head-quarters of a group of smugglers, with stolen money intended to ransom his loved one who is forced to work in a brothel.
Название фильма переводится как «устный рассказ о сверхъестественном». Картина основана на историях из собрания японских народных сказок Лафкадио Хирна и состоит из четырёх не связанных друг с другом историй.
В стране царит безработица. Главному герою, молодому человеку, предлагают хорошую работу на шахте. По дороге к ней он подвергается нападению со стороны человека в белом, который убивает его ножом.