Loic Collignon


Чёрный чай
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Aya, a young Ivorian woman in her early thirties, says no on her wedding day, to everyone’s astonishment. After emigrating to Asia, she works in a tea export shop with Cai, a 45-year-old Chinese man. Aya and Cai fall in love but can their affair survive the turmoil of their past and other people’s prejudices?
Democracy for $ale
Sound Mixer
In the United States of America, lobbyists, corporations and billionaires invest millions of dollars to ensure that a suitable candidate, one inclined to support their personal ambitions and economic projects, wins an election, which inevitably affects everything, from the selection of local officials to presidential elections, creates countless conflicts of interest and undermines what supposedly used to be a model democracy.
An old man finds a way to be young again. A mild-mannered old gentleman discovers a capricious way to become young again. What will he do with this opportunity, how will it affect his life and what will be the price to pay ?
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Мулатку Натали в супружеской постели насилует муж, белый полицейский. Натали бежит от него в конюшню, где седлает любимого мустанга и отправляется на встречу с подругой Поппи. Подруги устремляются в далёкий Йоханнесбург; у них на хвосте женщина-полицейский. У неё своя кровавая история.
Peter & Wendy
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Lucy is a young girl admitted to Great Ormond Street with a heart condition. Whilst there she makes a connection with JM Barrie's classic story of Peter Pan and is soon whisked away to her own Neverland
Песнь заката
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
В центре семейной саги — судьба стойкой Крис Гутри, дочери фермера. Рано потеряв мать, юная Крис вынуждена управлять хозяйством под строгим надзором своего деспотичного отца. Встретив любовь, она выйдет замуж, родит сына, но начавшаяся в Европе Первая мировая война принесет ей новые испытания.