Jirō Tamiya

Jirō Tamiya

Рождение : 1935-08-25, Kyoto City, Japan

Смерть : 1978-12-29


Jirō Tamiya


Cobra 2
Japanese crime film.
Main Line to Terror
Akiyama is an intern, disgusted with the noise pollution caused by the bullet trains and the heart attacks that noise has been causing in older hospital patients, plots to disrupt and, in ten days, destroy a unit of the operation. He warns the Japan National Railway, that, if nothing is done to reduce the noise, he will derail a bullet train. Takigawa is the police detective sent to stop him.
Japanese crime film.
The Family
Ataru Mima
Adaptation of the novel by Toyoko Yamasaki.
Yellow Dog
A Japanese cop is sent to join the London police force on a secret investigation.
Мусаси Миямото
Kojiro Sasaki
Мусаси Миямото — один из самых известных фехтовальщиков в истории Японии. Он стал знаменит благодаря выдающейся технике владения мечом, которую он с раннего детства оттачивал во многих поединках, используя деревянный меч, а также технику боя двумя мечами: длинным — катаной и коротким — вакидзаси.
Professional Killers
Baian Fujieda
Two assassins are hired to carry out a hit on the second wife of a candle merchant, but someone is watching...
Flower and Dragon
Kingoro Tamai moves with his wife and son to the port city of Wakamatsu. He organizes the Tamai-gumi, a stevedore group, to vie for work with two other powerful groups. Gingo is Tamai's chief rival who falls in love with the latter's wife and tries to kill Tamai.
Theater Of Life
Centred on Aonari Hyokichi, a young literary man with aspirations to become a writer, and the surrounding people, including Kira Tsuneo and Tobigashikaku.
Sword and Flower
Masuda Toshio film starring Watari Tetsuya and Mori Masayuki, about a lone-wolf type (Watari) seeking love and defending the honor of an elderly widower (Mori).
Chase That Man
The story of the desperate struggle between the police and a large crime syndicate.
3,000 Kilometer Trap
A young man has to deliver a Mitsubishi Galant GTO from Kagoshima (on the southern tip of the southern Japanese island of Kyushu) 3000 kilometers across the length of Japan to the northern island of Hokkaido
3,000 Kilometer Trap
A young man has to deliver a Mitsubishi Galant GTO from Kagoshima (on the southern tip of the southern Japanese island of Kyushu) 3000 kilometers across the length of Japan to the northern island of Hokkaido
The Creature Called Man
A top police-guard, charged with protecting a visiting politician and ruthless dictator, contends with an assassin set to kill the man.
Memoir of Japanese Assassinations
Hitoshi Fujii
This anthology film consists of nine incidents in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when assassins changed the course of Japanese history.
The Time of Reckoning
"The Time of Reckoning" transforms a screwball-comedy plot into a sober study of a successful businessman with serious relationship problems involving three women: his wife of ten years who announces she is pregnant by another man; a mistress who wants to have a baby with him; and an ex-lover who claims he fathered her son.
The Great Villains
Nihei Tokuda
Psychological action drama about the activities of a corrupt lawyer.
Bad Reputation: The Notorious Men and Their Specialty
The Silent Gun
Daisuke Kamoi
A series of murders has been committed by someone with a new model gun, a Mord-Gessel X 38. Indeed, Daisuke himself is almost killed while investigating the case. This occurred while he was with Ritsuko, daughter of a company president. Detective Kimura thinks that the president himself, returned to Japan after an absence of fifteen years, might be the killer, or at least the man who supplied the gun. Ritsuko's father limps and though she explains this as the result of a traffic accident, Kimura remembers a narcotics smuggler named Suginami who shot himself in the ankle and then escaped from the hospital. He believes that the company president and the drug peddler are the same.
Bad Reputation: The Notorious Man of Legend
Quick-Draw Dog
Daisuke Kamoi
Quick Drawer Dog (早射ち犬 Hayauchi inu) is a 1967 film directed by Tetsutarō Murano. It is the eighth film in the Inu series.
Stray Dog
Daisuke Kamoi
Stray Dog (野良犬) is a 1966 film directed by Yoshio Inoue. It is the seventh film in the Inu series.
Большая белая башня
Профессор медицинского факультета одного из университетов собирается уходить на пенсию. На это место претендует молодой способный хирург Горо Дзайдзэн. Он талантлив. Он прекрасен своей щедрой одарённостью, своим ненасытным упоением жизнью и своими успехами, этот сын нищей крестьянки, с неимоверным трудом выбившийся в люди. И всё-таки Дзайдзэн конченый человек, ибо со студенческих лет принял условия игры, в которой все средства хороши. И его самонадеянность, пренебрежение к длительным клиническим исследованиям и к мнению товарищей по профессии вызывают опасения у профессуры университета. Чтобы получить большинство голосов на выборах, Горо использует любые средства для закулисных интриг: связи, подкуп, шантаж.
Zoku teppō inu
Daisuke Kamoi
Zoku teppō inu (続鉄砲犬) is a 1966 film directed by Mitsuo Murayama. It is the sixth film in the Inu series.
Bad Reputation: Cherry Blossoms
Trigger Happy Romeo
Daisuke Kamoi
Fifth film in the "Inu" series.
Bad Reputation: Invincible Notorious Men
Black Temptation
The Spy
Based on true events surrounding a Korean student who had entered Japan unlawfully and escaped illegal alien internment.
Fangs of Vengeance
Rampaging Dog
Daisuke Kamoi
Abare inu is a 1965 action-comedy film directed by Kazuo Mori. It is the fourth film in the series.
Bad Reputation: The Two Notorious Men Strike Again
Back Stairways
A young man named Kijima who works as a pianist in a small bar is surprised when one of the customers asks if he won't pretend to be the fiance of his sister. He is even more surprised when he is offered a million yen to play this apparently harmless role. Actually, it is anything but harmless. Both the customer and his sister are involved in a jewel robbery in which they have double-crossed two of their accomplices who are now out of prison and thirsting for revenge.
The Dedicated Gunman
Daisuke Kamoi
Third film in the "Inu" series.
Sweet Seventeen
Чёрный экспресс
Keiichi Kikyo
Кэйити Кикё, наследник старинного рода из Окаяма, получил блестящее образование, но прозябает в провинции. Он проиграл на бирже деньги, вырученные за продажу земли предков, его риелторская фирма почти не приносит ему дохода. Неожиданно в этой глуши появляется незнакомец из Токио, который предлагает купить бросовые земли за баснословную сумму. Риелтору обещаны отличные комиссионные. Как можно отказаться от такой удачной сделки?
Clamouring Canines
Daisuke Kamoi
Bad Reputation: The Big Drum
Black Trump Card
Black Weapon
Industrial espionage gets in the way of love and marriage for factory worker Katayanagi.
Homeless Dog
Daisuke Kamoi
First movie of the Inu series directed by Tokuzō Tanaka
Black Challenger
Young lawyer Jiro receives a late night phone call from a distraught woman sending him on a journey to uncover corruption and exploitation stemming from those at the very top of society.
Kenichiro Ishizuka
История страсти двух женщин - замужней Соноко и соблазнительной Мицуко.
Black Speeding
Takuya Tsuda
Takuya Tsuda is a cop who loves motorcycles. One day a speeding motorcycle seriously injures a child and his investigations lead Takuya to Akio Yazawa, the boss of the Sakamoto Motorcycle Club.
Bad Reputation: Two Notorious Men in Tokyo
Lips of Ruin
Industrial espionage in the pharmaceutical industry.
Operation Underworld
A detective investigates a criminal organization's involvement in real estate.
Bad Reputation: The Notorious Harbor
She Came For Love
Keisuke Ozeki
Typhoon Reporter
Set around Ginza’s neon billboard boom, the movie is a drama of romance, corporate intrigue and tragic crime. A reporter (Ken Utsui) investigates a homicide in Tokyo’s bustling construction scene, meanwhile a super typhoon is brewing in the Pacific, and Ginza is square in its sights!
Bury Me Deep
Kyosuke Nakabe
Bad Reputation: Imposter's Paradise
Black Dividend
Ryokichi Ibuki
Ryokichi Ibuki is a clerk who learns company "top secrets" and becomes an industrial blackmailer. Kaoru Koizumi, a confidential secretary in love with Ibuki, reveals her firm's plans to him. She resigns when Ibuki blackmails her employer but Ibuki gains another spy in Ayuko Ichinoi...
The Third Will
Bad Reputation of the Big Three
Order of Yakuza
Hidejirô Ôgiya
Order of Yakuza
A Woman's Life
Eiji Tsutsumi
One of many adaptations of "Onna no isshō", this time by Yasuzo Masumura as a starring vehicle for famed actress Machiko Kyo.
New Bad Reputation Continues
Камни Хиросимы
Действие фильма происходит в 1962 году. Токийский журналист Кёсукэ Камия приезжает в Хиросиму с целью написать очерк об этом городе через семнадцать лет после взрыва атомной бомбы.
The Midday Trap
Satoru Fuji
Черный автомобиль
Yutaka Asahina
Two car manufacturers spy on each other to try to find out details and prices of a new sports car each is about to launch.
The Notorious Man's Return
Работница кабаре Масуко узнаёт, что Асаи, который содержит её, на самом деле женат, хотя и несчастен в браке. Она не хочет быть разлучницей, но жизнь преподносит всё новые сюрпризы, и Масуко придётся собрать всю свою волю, чтобы удержать Асаи.
Night Mist Makes Women Cry
Junji Hashimoto
A love melodrama.
Yume de aritai
1962 Japanese movie
Their Legacy
Heitaro, who had served his firm loyally for 30 years, reaches the retirement age. He has four unmarried daughters and decides to split his retirement allowance he has received from his firm into 500,000 yen for each daughter as a wedding dowry. He considers them all old enough to handle the money, and gives them a free hand to use it as they wish.
Bad Reputation Returns
Tough Guy
Motor Sada
Asakichi beats a ganster, Sada, in a physical fight, leading to recognition by Sada's clan boss. When Kotoito, the geisha Asakichi is in love with, is kidnapped by a rival clan and sold to a a house of pleasure, Asakichi and Sada set out to rescue her.
A Design for Dying
Shikiko Oba is nimble with her fingers and teaches dressmaking and designing. Among her pupils are Rinko, Katsumi and Tomie. Ginshiro, who is as shrewd as the shrewdest of the older generation of dyed-in-the-wool Osaka businessmen, steps into picture and Shikiko soon feels that he is indispensable to her. But the advent of a man in their midst breaks up the harmony that has existed among the four women, as gradually he forces himself on them with promises of love.
Les Mesdemoiselles
Shûtarô Maki
A romantic comedy depicting the variant and whimsical daily lives of the Japanese mademoiselles in the Metropolis of Tokyo. How they react against the bold spirited love makers and begin to take a liking to them is the theme of the picture.
The Woman Who Touched Legs
Magazine writer Jiro
Detective Katahachi meets a young and beautiful pickpocket and doesn’t arrest her because she was not in the act. Instead, he listens to the story about her parents who killed himself and died for overwork to feel sorry about her.
Fool's Love
Masao Kumagi
A young man (Eiji Funakoshi) lavishes his complete attention and resources on a beautiful young girl (Junko Kano) who was picked up in the Ikebukuro district of Tokyo.
Kirai Kirai Kirai
Заповедь женщины
Новелла 1: «Женщина, которая любила укусить за ушко» (режиссёр Ясудзо Масумура). Очаровательная Кими умеет ловко выманивать деньги из мужчин, при этом не с кем из них не вступая в сексуальные отношения. Новелла 2: «Женщина, которая умеет продать дорого» (режиссёр Кон Итикава). Известный писатель Ясуси Михара встречает на берегу моря таинственную незнакомку, сжигавшую письма мужа. Женщина приводит его в свой дом — готовит ему ванну, окружает своими чарами… Новелла 3: «Женщина, которая забыла о любви» (режиссёр Кодзабуро Ёсимура). История о вдовствующей гейше, у которой нет реальных финансовых проблем и которая влюбляется в преступника.
セクシー・サイン 好き好き好き
Koji Shima movie
Children Hand in Hand
A small-town boy with a learning disability attempts to fit in with his classmates.