Grace Chen Shu-Fang

Grace Chen Shu-Fang

Рождение : 1939-07-02, Taiwan


Grace Chen Shu-Fang
Grace Chen Shu-Fang
Grace Chen Shu-Fang


Jason and his mother, Yun, make big bucks together in Chinatown swindling money out of people since Jason was little. Along with the grocery store owner Andy who took them in since Jason was a baby, they decide to do one last big job. Their target is Mrs. Apple, the founder of Tao Lin, a world renowned porcelain company. Jason pretends to be that rich old granny's long lost grandson, and Mrs. Apple insists on bringing Jason back to Taiwan, so that Jason can officially reclaim his heritage. In Mrs. Apple's extravagant house, these foreigners start role-playing to infiltrate the Zong Family. Jason starts to feel the warmth of being a part of a family that he has never felt before. This has greatly affected Team America's plan, the three of them start to blame and fight each other. Their cover is about to be exposed, but somehow the truth of Jason's family mystery is revealed..
Days Before the Millennium
In the 1990s, many young women from Southeast Asia, carrying their hopes and dreams, were married off to this faraway island of riches... Through a two-part narrative, the film contrasts the past and the present of Taiwanese society. Can these immigrant women across different eras break free from their predicaments in this foreign land to rediscover themselves? Can they as well as the locals, live truly free lives?
My Best Friend's Breakfast
Tao You Quan's granny
Xiang Wei Xin, a 17-year-old high school sophomore, regards eating as the most important and most healing thing in life. The first time she met her senior Tao You Quan was in the school’s welfare agency. At that time, Xiang Wei Xin lost 5 yuan and could not buy her favorite pineapple bread. Tao You Quan made up the money for her, which made her feel deeply indebted to her. The next day, she saw a breakup scene by the school’s swimming pool. She broke up with her cheating girlfriend but couldn’t separate it. Xiang Wei moved her heart and used her best friend Fang Qi Ran as an excuse to let Tao You Quan break up successfully. She believed that she was brave and repaid.
Austin Lin opens the night of the 58th Golden Horse Award Ceremony, and pays his tribute to the magic of film, with a short film and the song “Contentment”.
Final Exam
With a week before final exams and summer vacation, a substitute teacher must prove himself worthy of rehiring.
New Turn
Looking for her long-lost twin sister, a woman from Hong Kong bikes around Taiwan, joined by three complete strangers, one from Hong Kong, one from Taiwan, one from China, each biking around the island for his/her own reasons.
Маленькие большие женщины
Grandma / Lin Shoying
A story about a karaoke-addicted old woman struggling with her self-worth and a sense of betrayal at her long-lost husband's funeral where she encounters his younger and more sophisticated girlfriend while she finds out her kids might have been secretly in touch with her late husband all these years.
Дорогой жилец
Grandma / Mrs. Chou
В течение пяти лет Линь присматривал за сыном и пожилой матерью своего умершего парня. Но когда женщина умирает, другой ее сын, Ли Ган, возвращается из-за границы и обнаруживает, что собственность матери переходит к ее внуку, который был законно усыновлен Линем. Ли Ган обращается в полицию, обвиняя Линя в убийстве своей матери. По мере того, как расследование продолжается, против Линя появляется все больше и больше улик.
Wild Sparrow
Auntie Han-hsiao
Little Han lives in the mountains with his great-grandmother, Auntie Han-hsiao. In rainy days, Little Han sits in front of the fireplace listening to Auntie Han-hsiao’s colorful and mysterious tales. One day he sees an injured and dying sparrow. With sadness, he digs a small cave and buries it.
Night Bus
Late night, a commuter bus was speeding along the coastal highway when, suddenly, a loud and panicky scream pierced the night’s silence. This wealthy and elderly lady had just woken to find her precious necklace stolen. What follows was a series of intriguing turn of events, chaotic mob justice, vengeful lynching, as the truth behind the theft unfolds. The film climaxes as the commuter bus went ablaze, burning and glittering against the pitch-dark coastal sky.
Mystery in the Mist
Madam Lin-Tai
Guo Mie
A karaoke-addicted elderly woman (Chen Shu-Fang) lives her life by the Taiwanese saying, “Guo Mie,” which translates to “as long as you devote your life to the creation of one thing, and do whatever you could, everything will turn out.” But her philosophy is seriously put into question as she struggles to come to terms with the loss of her estranged husband. She attends the funeral only to encounter his younger lover and then finds out that her children might have kept in touch with her late husband secretly behind her back. Director Joseph Chen-Chieh Hsu said that the story is based on his grandmother, who was forced to raise eight kids by herself after her husband ran away. The student short film was shot in his home country of Taiwan. Selected as a 2017 Student Academy Awards Finalist, the short also appeared in the 2018 Asian American International Film Festival. It’s the first time that lead actress Shu-Fang has sung in a film in over 40 years.
A-Tsui, the owner of an old grocery store, is always bored with the dull life with his wife. One day, A-Tsui happens to make a call for a prostitute. He seems to be a little clumsy in the city with the young prostitute before they get caught by the prostitute’s boyfriend.
Who Killed Cock Robin
An ambitious journalist who witnessed a hit-and-run years ago reboots his investigation led by newly emerged clues. As he beats the clock to save the only survivor after her sudden disappearance, layers of unimaginable dark truths around a corrupted system start peeling.
Welcome to the Happy Days
Hsiung's grandmother
Qing Feng is the top lieutenant under gang boss Yong. Three years ago, his good friend Xiong went to jail for him in the name of brotherhood. Upon his return, Xiong is immediately favored by Yong, which plants a growing rift in his friendship with Qing Feng. Over on the rival gang side, U.S.-educated Michael returns to Taiwan to take over for his late father and applies ruthless business strategies to expand his turf. With his eyes set on a profitable property development project, Michael will stop at nothing to eliminate Yong and take over his turf.
The Frog Ville
Could little Heymon lead his friends escape from terrors safely? Yet, the journey for seeking the refuge must go on.
Betelnut Beauty
A cute coed leaves her mother's home and gets involved with a pastry chef who has links to the local criminal element.
March of Happiness
1945-1947, Taiwan. A teenage couple were deeply in love despite objections from the girl’s family. Their tragic story is played out in travelling troupes, tea-houses and western-style cafes, with the backdrop of Japanese occupation and the 28 February Incident.
A Drifting Life
After his wife dies during childbirth, Ku-cheng leaves his children behind in their rural village while he finds work on a construction site in the city. He develops a relationship with a widow but despite their intimacy, he refuses to remarry.
Good Men, Good Women
Ching's Mother
An actress preparing to play in a historical epic is terrorized by someone faxing her pages from her stolen diary; has colorful flashbacks of her affair with a now-deceased man; and imagines black-and-white film-within-a-film scenes of the movie she is about to appear in.
That Vital Organ
The Killer from China
An honorable assassin from the Mainland arrives in Hong Kong on an assignment to blow gaping holes in the unlucky members of a Triad gang.
Business Knave
Город скорби
Тайвань, 1945-1949 гг. История четырех братьев семейства Линь, которых судьба развела в эти бурные годы.
The Digger The Suona Player
Daughter of the Nile
Lin Hsiao-yang tries to keep her family together while working as a waitress at Kentucky Fried Chicken and going to night school. With no mother and her father currently working out of town, it is up to Lin Hsiao-yang to take care of her younger siblings, who are slipping into a life of crime.
Dust in the Wind
Jiang Suyun's Mother
A-yuan and A-yun are both from the small mining town of Jio-fen. They move to Taipei, where A-yuan is an apprentice by day and goes to night school, and A-yun works as a helper at a tailors. Everyone thinks they are meant for each other, and so do they. They fail to see time and fate are beyond their control.
Myth of a City
It is a school bus driver's last day at work. On a whim, he drives off to the seashore with the school's cook, a young teacher, and a busload of children. Facing an unhappy retirement, he seeks one great moment of happiness, which he finds on the road with the children. They encounter an aboriginal family, who invite them in for a feast, and then some young motorcycle riders, with whom they camp by the sea.
His Matrimony
Yun-Lang's mother
This is a story located in a small town in Taiwan during the 50's and 60's. Mei-Hsia is from the most prominent family in town. Yun-Lang works in the local peasant assocation. They like each other, but Mei-Hsia is afraid to tell her mother about their seeing each other. They wait till Yun-Lang sends a matchmaker to Mei-Hsia's family. There was no way that Mei-Hsia's family would agree to their marriage. Mei-Hsia's parents send her to a relative in the northeast of Keelung, in an attempt to stop them from seeing each other, but Yun-Lang follows her there. Mei-Hsia's relative doesn't stop them until Mei-Hsia's mother finds out. Now their love is an open affair. This time, it's the Mei-Hsias turn to propose a marriage between the two families. To everyone's surprise, the Yun-Langs turn it down. Mei-Hsia and Yun-Lang planned to elope, but they failed. She kills herself. At last, Yun-Lang can call Mei-Hsia his wife by marring her memorial tablet.
The Time to Live and the Time to Die
The semi-autobiographical film on director Hou Hsiao-Hsien's childhood and adolescence, when he was growing up in Taiwan.
Тайбэйская история
Mrs. Mei
Раньше Лун играл в национальной юношеской лиге, а теперь держит старомодный магазинчик тканей и не может избавиться от ностальгии по славному прошлому. Его подруга, наоборот, устремлена в будущее. Чжэнь — современная успешная женщина. Она мечтает открыть своё дело и настроена на иммиграцию в США. Они любили друг друга с самого детства, они давно вместе, но, кажется, жизнь начинает их постепенно разводить.
Out of the Blue
A boy fell in love with a girl, then the girl left. Years later, the boy found that he is a father now.
The Boys from Fengkuei
Ah Ching's Mother
Ah-Ching and his friends have just finished school in their island fishing village, and now spend most of their time drinking and fighting. Three of them decide to go to the port city of Kaohsiung to look for work. They find an apartment through relatives, and Ah-Ching is attracted to the girlfriend of a neighbor. There they face the harsh realities of the big city.
The Young Moon Legend
Taiwanese Wuxia
Heroine Kan Lian Chu
The good guys, a trio of swordsmen, gradually collect allies, including one by marriage. The groom must depart along with his bride but she must pass 3 tests before leaving. Then the group has to survive a series of traps before facing the villain.
18 бронзовых бойцов Шаолиня
В эпоху завоевания Манчжурией Китая, сын китайского генерала, верного династии Мин, находит убежище в стенах монастыря Шаолинь. Там он изучает боевые искусства и готовится отомстить за смерть своего отца. Но прежде его ждёт суровое испытание - 18 бронзовых бойцов Шаолиня.
Blood Revenge
Chaozhou police constable Chiang and his wife are brutally killed by five escaped convicts whom he brought to justice three years ago. Their daughter Feng (Lu Hsiao Hui) is lucky to escape, and she sets out to avenge the murder of her parents. With the aid of martial arts expert Chuan (famous action star Philip Ko), Feng tracks down the thugs one by one and kills them with her "8-Step Successive Killing Kicks" kung fu.
“Chopin” tells the story of Chopin Wu (played by Liu), who returns home to small-town America where he grew up to amend an estranged relationship with his workaholic father (Dai). With a sudden appearance from his ailing grandmother (Chen), he is confronted by a past he had left behind. In the midst of a health crisis and a broken family, Wu is forced to re-examine old relationships, embrace a heritage he once denied and discover the importance of family and identity.