Marco Bertogna


Line Producer
Рим, 1999. Джорджо - молодой боксер, который живет вместе со своей матерью в пригороде и мечтает стать чемпионом. Его отец был убит несколькими годами ранее и оставил сыну тяжелое наследство: долг перед местным преступным миром, который не позволяет мальчику свободно жить своей жизнью.
(Не)идеальные парочки
Line Producer
Супружеские союзы нескольких пар были признаны недействительными — священник, который венчал их, оказался шарлатаном. Вскоре после этого стали всплывать тайны, которые супруги всю жизнь хранили друг от друга. Смогут ли они снова заключить брак или их жизнь перевернется с ног на голову?
Quasi ora
Executive Producer
An Italian middle-class family, during lunch, talks about the problems that afflict our nation.
Hotel Gagarin
An highly heterogeneous group of people go to Armenia to make a movie, all ignoring what will happen to each of them.
The Champions League
Line Producer
Two men must struggle to travel to Prague for Champions League Football Final match.
La mossa del pinguino
Executive Producer
Two temp workers, a pensioner and an old bully discover the sport of curling by chance and, convinced of their potential, plan to compete at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin.
18 Years Later
Executive Producer
Mirko and Genziano are two 35-year-old brothers who have not seen each other since their mother died in a freak accident in which they were involved—eighteen years ago. Since then, Genziano left to live in the UK and now is a stockbroker; Mirko instead remained in Rome, to stay with their father Marcello, working at the same run-down family shop. When Marcello dies, he leaves a task for the two brothers in his will: he asks them to take, on an old restored roadster, his ashes to the grave of his old mother in a village in Calabria, where the accident happened.