Leung Suet-Mei


Мёртвый и смертоносный
Wah Li, known as Fat Boy to his friends, lives with his great-uncle the priest (Uncle). Together with his oddball friends Lai Li and Momo, Wah Li helps Uncle to run the local funeral services. When the body Ma Lun Chio is brought back to the village by a new wife and her "brother", Wai Li is suspicious. He sets out to find out how his friend died, but things are not what they seem.
The Club
Mainly the story of Sai, a rascal who works at a gang-operated nightclub, and his conflicts with a rival gang.
Встречи с привидениями
Cheung's Wife
Задумав избавиться от мужа, жена отправляет его на ночь в заброшенный храм, где его уже поджидает нанятый супругой колдун. Мужчине придётся пережить эту ночь, столкнувшись с бешеной круговертью из шаманов, призраков, вампиров и прочей нечисти.
Абсолютный монарх
Hong Kong Movie
Два Беззубых Тигра
Two men each possess half of a treasure map, but over the years, their greed has prevented either from actually finding the treasure. But it seems that they may now be too late, as a third man plots to steal the treasure right out from under them.