Marcin Lenarczyk


Dreams Full of Smoke
A simple story of a meeting between two completely different and distant people. By chance, they spend a few days together.
Dreams Full of Smoke
A simple story of a meeting between two completely different and distant people. By chance, they spend a few days together.
Michał, a truck driver and a single father, is forced to take his daughter and her best friend on tour.
A Night at the Kindergarten
A young man crashes a school play rehearsal to prevent a group of teachers and eccentric parents from expelling his girlfriend's son.
The Hamlet Syndrome
Sound Editor
A film that depicts the young Ukrainian generation scarred by war and political breakthroughs. The film's starting point is the preparation for a play based on the motifs of Shakespeare's Hamlet, which, combined with an intense glimpse into the lives of the characters, creates a powerful portrait of a generation having to confront their war trauma and tackle the painful past, which now after the Russia's invasion of Ukraine becomes their present and future alike.
Poland, 1970. When popular protests erupt in the streets due to rising prices, the communist government organizes a crisis team. Soon after, the police use their truncheons and then their firearms. The story of a rebellion from the point of view of the oppressors.
Sound Designer
Poland, 1970. When popular protests erupt in the streets due to rising prices, the communist government organizes a crisis team. Soon after, the police use their truncheons and then their firearms. The story of a rebellion from the point of view of the oppressors.
Original Music Composer
Poland, 1970. When popular protests erupt in the streets due to rising prices, the communist government organizes a crisis team. Soon after, the police use their truncheons and then their firearms. The story of a rebellion from the point of view of the oppressors.
Кровь Бога
Средние века. Два крестоносца пребывают с христианской миссией в языческую деревню, расположенную глубоко в горах, где их вере, воззрениям и дружбе предстоит серьезное испытание. Когда любовь сталкивается с судьбой, слово с молчанием, безумие с правилами - жертвы неизбежны.
An Ordinary Country
Sound Recordist
The story of what daily life was like in Poland under communism: private conversations, cruel interrogations, recruitment attempts, recorded and filmed with hidden devices; of how the secret services spied on every activity of ordinary citizens: nothing escaped the brutal system of control developed by the Soviets in the name of freedom.
An Ordinary Country
Music Editor
The story of what daily life was like in Poland under communism: private conversations, cruel interrogations, recruitment attempts, recorded and filmed with hidden devices; of how the secret services spied on every activity of ordinary citizens: nothing escaped the brutal system of control developed by the Soviets in the name of freedom.
Уроки любви
Sound Designer
Свободная духом Йола, вырвавшись из супружеского кошмара, отрывается со своими подружками и оказывается в водовороте нового романа на уроке латиноамериканских танцев. В то время как консервативные представители её поколения пытаются оправдать её мужа-абьюзера, Йола открывает себя заново в свои 69 лет. Невероятно кинематографичное и вдохновляющее путешествие.
The Naked King - 18 Fragments on Revolution
In 1979, a revolution in Iran. In 1980, a revolution in Poland. The fall of the Shah, the “King of Kings,” in Iran. Mass strikes and the foundation of Solidarność (Solidarity) in Poland. What was in the minds of the young women and men who fomented revolution in their own country? What did they think when their revolution was quelled, or – as in Iran – an authoritarian regime was instituted under the name of an “Islamic Republic”?
Marek Edelman… And There Was Love in the Ghetto
Shortly before his death, Marek Edelman (1919-2009), former commander of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (1943) against the Nazi occupation, wonders about several basic themes of human existence in relation to the Shoah: how was it possible to enjoy love, tenderness, passion and lust while the whole world was crumbling and burning around.
Original Music Composer
Горожане оказываются на кушетке психотерапевта. Начиная с банальных вопросов, например, «с каким животным ассоциируется город?» они постепенно погружаются в свои собственные чувства и эмоции, связанные с местом, где они живут. Город является отправной точкой, но со временем диалог становится более глубоким, личным. Эпизоды из жизни, воспоминаний, эмоциональные моменты перемежаются видами города с разных точек зрения. Страхи, желания и планы героев фильма сплетаются в общую судьбу.
Off the Hook: The Making of 'The Lure'
A documentary on the making of "The Lure" (2015).
Дочери танца
Sound Designer
Две сестры-русалки устраиваются на работу в ночной клуб. Как-то одна из сестер влюбляется в прекрасного молодого человека…
To War We Go!
Wanting to leave their hometown, two friends set off on a military campaign in Afghanistan. When they return, it appears that their hometown is no longer the same.
Зал самоубийц
Sound Editor
Доминик - обыкновенный мальчишка. У него много знакомых, он дружит с самой красивой девочкой в школе, богатые родители, деньги на тряпки, гаджеты, развлечения, но однажды один поцелуй меняет всё. «Она» цепляет его в сети. Интригующая, опасная, хитрая. Вводит его в «Зал самоубийц», место, из которого невозможно убежать . Доминик, в ловушке собственных чувств, впутанный в смертельную интригу, потеряет то, что в жизни самое ценное...
The Words
Sound Recordist
On his way to a nameless destination, a man decides to stop by his father's house. The awkwardness of the relationship between the man and his old and ill father marks an ordinary visit that could very well be their last.