María del Castillo


Даже ветер от страха воет
Makeup Artist
Действие фильма происходит в удаленном от города колледже для девушек. Директрису этого колледжа ученицы за глаза называют ведьмой, ибо это очень чёрствая и злая женщина, которая никогда не меняет своих решений и чересчур строго относится не только к ученицам, но и к преподавателям.
Llanto por Juan Indio
Makeup Artist
The story revolves around a farmer who is tried for stealing a military rifle and is sentenced to death.
Campeón del barrio
Makeup Artist
A young man eagerly prepares for triumph as a boxer in a neighborhood gym with the firm intention of escaping poverty to marry his girlfriend, who sings in a nightclub.
The Trial of the Vivanco Ladies
Makeup Artist
After being arrested the two adorable grannies spend some time in jail and then stand trial for the robberies they've committed.
Una estrella y dos estrellados
Makeup Artist
In his eagerness, to be movie extras, Tin Tan and his carnal Marcelo police get into trouble, among other entanglements.
La fuerza del deseo
Makeup Artist
Wicked girl uses nude modeling as a way to seduce a wealthy painter into marriage, while still trying to keep an artschool stud piece on the side.
What a Man
Makeup Artist
Father and adult sons give help to an orphaned teenage girl.