Anne Collins


Перри Мейсон: Дело о зловещем призраке
Джордан Уайт владелец издания, друг Перри, зовёт в отель, где гость, известный писатель-ужасов Дэвид Холл, снял отель на выходные и вызвал своих «друзей» - актрису, гадалку, Дэвид уединился от помощника и двух оставшихся сотрудников в отеле, чтобы обсудить бизнес. Они приехали в отель, так как все они собираются подать в суд на Дэвида на его новую книгу - «Курорт», персонажи которого, очевидно, основаны на Джордане и гостях. Практичный шутник Дэвид разыгрывает над ними трюки, пока его не сбросят с высокой башни отеля, где Сьюзен Уорренфилд, менеджер и владелец отеля, видят падение, а затем Джордана на башне, заставляя полицию арестовывать Джордана. Хотя Перри и Делла пытаются решить главную загадку, Пол пытается выяснить, кто пытается отпугнуть Сьюзен от отеля. Может ли это быть призраком или более земным гостем?
The Mikado
Escaping from a distasteful marriage, Nanki-Poo, the son of the Mikado, arrives in the town of Titipu - disguised as a musician. He has chosen Titipu because a beautiful girl, Yum-Yum, with whom he has fallen in love, lives in the town. A desire to marry Yum-Yum, however, is not enough. Nanki-Poo has to contend with her guardian, Ko-Ko, the Lord High Executioner, who has every intention of marrying Yum-Yum, himself. Problems are compounded when the Mikado, accompanied by Katisha, Nanki-Poo's jilted bride, also arrive in the hitherto peaceful town of Titipu
Princess Ida
Lady Blanche
Princess Ida and Prince Hilarion were betrothed when the Prince was two years old and the Princess just one year old. Twenty years have now passed, and the time has come for Hilarion to claim his bride. The Princess, however, has other ideas. She has set up a women's-only University - and men are not allowed. Hilarion and his friends, Cyril and Florian, disguise themselves as women to gain entrance to the University. All goes well until Cyril's unmaidenly conduct compromises their disguise - and reveals the three friends as intruding men.
The Fairy Queen
Strephon, a shepherd (the son of a Fairy, Iolanthe, and a mortal), is in love with Phyllis, a shepherdess. He wants to marry her, but, although Phyllis also loves Strephon, she has a dilemma - she is so beautiful that all of the House of Lords, as well as her guardian, the Lord Chancellor, are also desirous of marrying her. There are many complications - including the peers being threatened by the Fairies - before a happy conclusion is reached by all.
The Gondoliers
The Duchess
Marco and Giuseppe marry their sweethearts Gianetta and Tessa, but neither couple is allowed to leave for their honeymoon, because there is a problem. They are informed that one of the bridegrooms is really the King of Barataria, but nobody knows which. Gianetta and Tessa are delighted with the idea of one of them being Queen, but upset when they are told that women are not allowed to accompany their husbands to Barataria and that they will have to stay behind in Venice
Lady Jane
In a world gone mad with languid ladies and affected gentlemen, the lovesick maidens of Castle Bunthorne forsake their handsome soldier suitors to pursue poet aesthete - and fake - Reginald Bunthorne. But he loves the village milkmaid, Patience, who doesn't like poetry or understand love. When Patience finally learns what love is, it's Reginald's rival she falls for.