Partap Sharma


Nehru: The Jewel of India
Based on the life of Jawaharlal Nehru (played by Pratap Sharma) -- who succeeded Mahatma Gandhi and became independent India's first prime minister -- this red-letter film takes an inside look at the man known as the Jewel of India. Directed by former politician Kumar Kiran, the movie intertwines historical information and human drama to examine the personal and professional life of one of India's master statesmen.
Heeralaal Pannalaal
The movie starts with two innocent and kind hearted guys named Heeralal and Pannalal. They are famous among criminals as they have helped police in capturing them several times. Heeralal is in search of his parent’s killer but has no idea of him at all. Pannalal is in search of his father. Heeralal meets with a girl named Ruby and falls in love with her. Pannalal falls in love with Ruby’s friend, Neelam. Kalicharan, who is a renowned criminal has decided to teach a lesson to Heeralal and Pannalal for interfering in their business. But instead Kalicharan is forced to run from the police. Police commissioner, Premlal is very happy with the guys and wants to protect them from Kalicharan and his friend, Panther’s anger.
Phir Bhi
Phir Bhi is a 1971 Bollywood drama film directed by Shivendra Sinha. The film stars Partap Sharma and Urmila Bhatt. Partap Sharma won the 1971 National Award for the lead role in this feature film which also won the National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Hindi.[1
During and After Air Raid
The precautions to be taken during and after an air-raid by the people, are shown in this film.
Господин Шекспир
Неторопливый и возвышенный рассказ о труппе кочевых британских актеров. Они путешествуют по городам и деревням постколониальной Индии, играя спектакли шекспировских пьес. Во главе труппы актерская семья: отец Тони Бакингем, его жена Карла и их младшая дочь Лиззи. По пути им встречаются лица современной Индии, в числе которых плейбой Санджу. Лиззи влюбляется в Санджу и между ними завязываются романтические отношения. Но у Санджу также роман с местной кинодивой Манджулой. В процессе путешествия зрителю предстает Индия середины 60-х годов. Налицо произошедшие за полтора десятилетия изменения. Старое сменяется новым, махараджи становятся владельцами отелей, театральная культура уступает место фильмам Болливуда..