Ralph Levy

Рождение : 1919-12-18,

Смерть : 2001-10-15


Do Not Disturb
American Mike Harper, sent to do business in England, moves there with his wife, Janet. But she soon becomes convinced that Mike is carrying on with his attractive new assistant, Claire. Mike also has been spending a considerable amount of time with his British bachelor buddies. Vexed and lonely, Claire hires charming antiques expert Paul to decorate the Harper home and maybe make Mike jealous in the process.
Сказка на ночь
История двух альфонсов, которые поспорили, кто из них лучший в своей профессии. Бенсон презирает женщин и изобретает все новые способы, чтобы уложить их в постель, а затем бросить. Джеймисон — настоящий профессионал, который изображает из себя сосланного принца и не только заставляет женщин делить с ним постель, но и дарить свои драгоценности для осуществления контрреволюции. Соревнование начинается. Тот, кто в нем победит получит право «окучивать» небольшой курортный город на Ривьере.
A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol was written in London by Charles Dickens in 1843. Since that time it has been the subject of countless adaptations for theatrical productions, radio, film, television, and even the opera! This musical version, adapted by Maxwell Anderson for the television show Shower of Stars, features Fredric March (The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit) as the misanthropic Ebenezer Scrooge, who's redemption comes after a ghostly night-time journey through his Christmas Past, Present and Future, and March received an Emmy nomination for his portrayal. The great Basil Rathbone (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes) co-stars as the ghost of Scrooge's dead partner Jacob Marley, in what many consider to be the best and most chilling portrayal of Marley ever.