Bernardo Pimenta


Незабываемый год - лето
Чтобы изучать моду в городе своей мечты – Париже, девушка из маленького города, которая ненавидит карнавал, едет в Рио-де-Жанейро, чтобы заручиться поддержкой самого известного модельера Бразилии. Она твердо намерена попасть в команду портних крупнейшей школы самбы. Там она узнает, что карнавал длится неделю, но любовь может изменить всю жизнь.
A science fiction and suspense feature that presents a frighteningly possible future, where things got even more out of control and what would be just a "quarantine" became the new and totally bizarre normal.
Два отца
Пока её мать путешествует, 18-летняя девушка, которая всю жизнь прожила в коммуне хиппи, пробирается в реальный мир, чтобы найти своего биологического отца.
Amazônia Sociedade Anônima
The future of the largest rainforest in the world will be decided in the region of the highway BR-163 where land grabbers are stealing immense areas of public forests. In response to the failure of the Brazilian government to defend these forests, the traditional populations are on the front line against land grabbers to save the Amazon.
A Saga da Alma de um Poeta
Chess Game
Assistant Editor
Mina (Priscila Fantin) is arrested for defrauding the Social Security and beyond to defend the other inmates need to escape from the prison director of surveillance (Tuca Andrada). The crime involved a Senator (Antonio Calloni), trying in every way to prevent your participation to surface.
Secrets of the Tribe
What happens when western anthropologists descend on the Amazon and make one of the last unacculturated tribes in existence, the Yanomami, the most exhaustively filmed and studied tribe on the planet? Despite their "do no harm" creed and scientific aims, the small army of anthropologists that has studied the Yanomami since the 1960s has wreaked havoc among the tribe - and sparked a war within the anthropology community itself.
Confissões de uma Garota Excluída