Bill Vint


Summer's End
Ray Buckwalter
10-year-old Kathy prefers pigtails to curls and runs away for the day to avoid a hair appointment. While she's off having adventures with her best pal Jeeter, her parents clash over how to handle the situation. Kathy's mother worries that her daughter doesn't "fit in" while her father believes she's "just an individual" and should be allowed to grow up at her own pace. At the end of the day, Kathy must return home to face the inevitable.
Marilyn: The Untold Story
Montgomery Clift
The story of the life and times of the legendary Hollywood blonde bombshell, Marilyn Monroe, from her meteoric rise to stardom to her marriages and untimely death.
Балтиморская пуля
Скользкий мошенник и его молодой помощник готовят подставку для профессионального игрока при игре в бильярд по-крупному. Весь вопрос только в том, удастся ли им остаться в живых после выигрыша. Достаточно приятная, развлекательная картина...
Sidewinder 1
Jerry Fleming
An ageing motocross champ agrees to help design and endorse a new motorcycle.
Amelia Earhart
Fred Norman
Biography follows the life of famed woman pilot Amelia Earhart, including her marriage to a famous publisher and her disappearance during a flight in 1937.
Другая сторона горы
Buddy Werner
Невероятно трогательная правдивая история о том, как начать жить заново, лишившись всего, включая власть над собственным телом, с участием Бо Бриджеса и Мэрилин Хэсет . Талантливая, многообещающая лыжница Джилл Кинмонт могла одолеть любую гору и самый крутой склон. У нее был успех, поклонники, жених и многообещающая спортивная карьера. Пока однажды трагический случай накануне Олимпийских игр круто не изменил ее жизнь...
The Story of Pretty Boy Floyd
Bill Miller
A humanistic account of "the Robin Hood of the Cookson Hills", in which Charles Arthur Floyd is portrayed as a decent man who has a strong sense of family and duty.
The Stranger Who Looks Like Me
A young woman searching for her birth parents in order to fulfill her sense of identity joins with an organization that fights the bureaucracy keeping adoption records sealed.
You'll Never See Me Again
After a couple have an argument, the wife disappears. The husband searches for her, only to discover evidence that implicates him in her murder.
A Howling in the Woods
Lonnie Henshaw
A disillusioned housewife on a vacation in the woods is disturbed by her husband continually trying to get her to come home and, more ominously, a mysterious howling at night.
Jerry, not a member of the 'protest generation' but is instead, an 'All American boy,' is drafted into the Army, just as things begin to go well for him. He decision to flee to Canada sparks off conflict with his parents, ending in the film's conclusion - in Vietnam.