Zbigniew Konopka

Zbigniew Konopka

Рождение : 1964-06-17, Złotoryja, dolnośląskie, Polska


Zbigniew Konopka


Zacma: Blindness
A little known episode from the life of Stalinist security police office Julia Brystiger. Her nickname Bloody Luna was a reference to her incredibly brutal methods of interrogation. In the early 1960s, she appears in a centre for the blind on the outskirts of Warsaw, a place often visited by Cardinal Wyszyński, whose imprisonment in 1953-1956 Brystiger supervised personally. During a difficult and heated discussion with the cardinal, Brystiger denounces the communist ideology and begs for forgiveness for her crimes and for guidance in her search for God.
Stanisław Lem: Autor Solaris
An account of the life and work of the Polish writer Stanisław Lem (1921-2006), a key figure in science fiction literature involved in mysteries and paradoxes that need to be enlightened.
Planet Single
He is one of the top celebrities in the country: a fast-talking TV host, who can joke his way out of any situation. Women want to be with him, men want to be like him. He is looking for a new topic to discuss in his popular talk-show. She is a teacher at a musical school - a timid girl looking for Mr. Perfect on an internet dating site. He will help her realise her potential and teach her how to recognise various types of men for what they are, she will teach him what real life is about. The show will become a huge hit. It seems they are destined to fall in love and be together, but one day she actually does meet Mr. Perfect on the net.
Письма к М. 2
Man in Parking Lot
In their pursuit of perfect Christmas well - known characters accompanied by some new faces happen to experience tiny miracles! The adventures they come across help them realize that the most important things in life - hope, acceptance and family - are within their reach and that real love is the best Christmas present!
Зерно правды
Policjant Wojtuś
Экранизация одноименного романа З. Милошевского. Прокурор Теодор Шацкий разводится с женой и уезжает из Варшавы в небольшой живописный городок на юго-востоке Польши - Сандомеж. Спустя некоторое время ему поручают расследование странного и таинственного дела, теснопереплетенного со средневековой легендой. Но в каждой легенде есть свое зерно правды...
Assistant to detective
В большом, точно не названном городе начинается день. В бизнес-центре, в большом кабинете руководителя международной корпорации раздается звонок. Бизнесмен вглядывается в экран телефона, но все-таки отвечает. Звонит неряшливый толстяк, едущий в разболтанном фургоне. Он спрашивает о решении по поводу слежки. После секундного колебания бизнесмен подтверждает поручение. Он не предчувствует, что одно «да» вызовет лавину событий, которые повлияют на судьбы жителей города. Это начало истории, в которой пересекутся дороги многих людей, а каждое их решение будет иметь последствия не только для них самих. «Ноль» — это рассказ о любви и ненависти, о предающих и преданных, о тайнах, которые открываются по ходу этих странных суток. Запущенный механизм неизбежно изменит жизнь героев. Неизбежно ли?
Последняя акция
Minister, syn pułkownik Dowgird
When his grandson is beaten by gangsters, a Warsaw veteran gathers his war buddies to take them on.
U Pana Boga w ogródku
Waldek, oficer CBŚ
U Pana Boga w ogrodku (In God's Little Garden) is the sequal to U Pana Boga za piecem (1998). The story takes place in a small town called King's Bridge in eastern Poland. The town has beautiful rolling hills and is absolutely picturesque. The two most prominent men in the town are the police chief and the priest. While the chief tries to keep things safe the priest keeps all things spiritual in check.