Грета Кейн всегда в поиске новостей. Она репортер колонки сплетен в одном из таблоидов Лос-Анжелеса. Ее работа — следить за богатыми и знаменитыми, но однажды случается так, что один из сыновей сенатора делает ей предложение руки и сердца.
When a driven HR exec loses her high-powered job, she travels to Puerto Rico in an attempt to save her career at a business conference. But as the trip quickly becomes a disaster and a hurricane shuts down the whole island, she meets a handsome world traveler who gives her a new perspective on finding passion in life and love.
Крисси Крингл получает посылку, предназначенную Санта Клаусу. Это книга «Непослушный или хороший», которую он оставил во время визита к ребенку. Крисси использует силу книги, что бы увидеть плохую сторону тех, кто ее окружает. Вскоре она узнает, что использование этой силы может иметь плохие последствия.
Twenty-eight-year-old Georgia is convinced the man of her dreams is "the one that got away" back in high school. When Georgia learns of her high school reunion a week before Christmas, she's ecstatic to finally have her chance to win Craig back. But as she gets to relive high school for a night, she begins to realize it might not be Craig at all who got away, but Ben, an old friend with whom she'd fallen out of touch.
Thirty-something Hillary Burns has spent her life trying to get the approval of her parents, most specifically her judgmental mother, Meredith Burns, thus far without success. Part of that approval for Hillary is to marry the right man. That's why Hillary is so happy that she is engaged to successful lawyer Jason King, who she will bring home to meet the family for the first time at their Thanksgiving get-together weekend in a week's time. However, Hillary's life starts to fall apart when simultaneously she loses her part-time newspaper writing job when the newspaper itself folds, and Jason dumps her as he tries to focus on his career which is seemingly more important to him than Hillary. On the advice of her best friend Sophie, Hillary - who feels she can't go home without Jason, especially as her two sisters' lives seem to meet their mother's approval - decides...