Mary Beth McDonough

Mary Beth McDonough

Рождение : 1961-05-04, Van Nuys, California, USA


Mary Beth McDonough was born on May 4, 1961 in Van Nuys, California, USA as Mary Elizabeth McDonough. She is an actress and writer, known for Mortuary (1983), The Waltons (1972) and The West Wing (1999). She has been married to Don since June 4, 2011. She was previously married to Rob Wickstrom.


Mary Beth McDonough


A Biltmore Christmas!
It follows Lucy as she's hired to write the script for a remake of a holiday movie. She joins a tour of the grounds and when she knocks an hourglass over, she finds herself transported back in time to 1946.
Рождество в поместье Ханисакл
Caroline Reynolds
Эмма в последний раз возвращается в родной дом, чтобы отпраздновать Рождество со своей семьей: после смерти родителей ее брат и сестра вынуждены продать семейное поместье Ханисакл.
Christmas at Cadillac Jack's
While stranded at a diner on Christmas Eve, Rose finds personal redemption in protecting a young baby from an abusive father on her way to reconciling with the child she had to give up for adoption in her youth.
В погоне за наследством
Dr. Burton
На проселочной дороге в сторону Хармони, штат Техас, стоит дом, большой для своего времени, но отражающий свой возраст, как, впрочем, и возраст живущей в нем женщины. У овдовевшей Лесли Клайд Онстот есть все, что душе угодно: послеобеденные мыльные оперы, приличный банковский счет, необходимые лекарства, льстивый старый дружок по имени Уиллер из «Еды на колесах» и даже очаровательная городская опекунша Энни Кларк. Но Энни сомневается, что Клайд можно оставлять одну.
A Walton Easter
Erin Walton Northridge (as Mary McDonough)
In 1969, John-Boy is a TV news anchorperson in New York and he is in the throes of writing a new book. He and a very pregnant Janet are making plans to return to Walton's Mountain for the celebration of John and Olivia's 40th wedding anniversary. Accompanying them to see the place John-Boy lived as a child is Aurora, a Time magazine photographer, who is doing a story on John-Boy. Meanwhile, Elizabeth arrives back from her travels and announces to Drew, who is still working at the mill with Ben, that she is back to stay. She is very upset to find that Drew did not wait for her, and that he has a new girlfriend. Also, problems arise for John-Boy and Janet because the longer John-Boy stays on the mountain, the more he becomes convinced that he would like to settle down there, raise his family, and continue with his writing whereas Janet wants to stay in New York.
A Walton Wedding
Erin Walton Northridge
In 1964, John-Boy Walton is planning his wedding to Janet Gilchrist, the editor of a New York fashion magazine and the daughter of a diplomat. The two of them plan a small wedding and he invites the family and friends from Walton's Mountain to come to New York for the celebration. However, Janet's Aunt Flo has other ideas and begins to take over their wedding preparations. Added to the wedding plan stress, John-Boy is also trying to write an article about his Grandma, but decides that he needs to go home to escape the wedding preparations, as well as to reunite with his grandmother and fill in some gaps leaving Janet in New York trying to prevent her wedding from getting out of hand. But she too leaves the city and heads for Walton's Mountain to plan their wedding there.
Посланник Божий
Kathy Chandler
Эдди, 14-летний подросток, убегая из магазина после мелкого воровства, попадает под машину и умирает в больнице. Но из-за какой-то путаницы на небесах ему дается три дня, чтобы восстановить свое доброе имя и утешить мать. Помогать в этом ему будет ангел-стажер.
Клэй, начинающий репортер, снимает сюжет о серии изуверских убийств: полиция Лос-Анджелеса то и дело находит на улицах города обезображенные трупы. Случайно журналист обнаруживает убийцу в доме собственной матери. К его ужасу, безобидный квартирант оказывается пришельцем из фантастического мира средневековых суеверий, мира оборотней, упырей, вурдалаков. Клэю удаётся одолеть оборотня, но самое ужасное впереди — посланец Сатаны успел превратить и его мать в чудовище, пожирающее человеческую плоть…
The Making of Me
Martin Short narrates the story of "his own" birth to explain the subjects of sex, conception, pregnancy and childbirth in an entertaining and educational way.
Kristin Cumming
When a mob family takes over an amusement park after the owner dies under mysterious circumstances, the recently-fired clown mascot seeks vengeance for the loss of his job.
Impure Thoughts
Sister Juliet
Four male friends are reunited after not being in contact with each other for several years. However, the meeting place is Purgatory, the afterlife state of limbo between heaven and hell. In Purgatory, these friends reflect on their pasts while they were living. They especially focus on their years in Catholic School and their coming of age. This film talks a lot about sexual issues. One of the characters is an 18-year old sent to Vietnam who dies without ever losing his virginity and there is a middle-aged, homosexual alcoholic playwright who has still has problems dealing with his identity.
Bus loads of teenagers arrive to the ski resort. Each one is eager to get out on the slopes to ski and score. One problem; the owner has all the prices jacked up, secretly ripping people for the last two years he has been in charge. The police don't do anything because the Sheriff is in on the cover-up. The teens feel their only chance to even the score is at a skiing tournament where the winner is picked to in a raffle to win a bunch of prizes.
Christie Parson
Кристи страдает от ночных кошмаров, в которых она видит своего отца-утопленника. Мать Кристи считает, что его смерть была несчастным случаем, но девушка уверена, что на самом деле произошло убийство. Вскоре Кристи замечает, что за ней начинает следить зловещий незнакомец.
A Day for Thanks on Waltons Mountain
Erin Walton Northridge
Most of the Waltons have split up in the days approaching Thanksgiving 1947. But most of the family begins to arrive at Walton's Mountain begging with John-Boy recovering from a case of writers block in New York followed by Jason now a struggling musician as well as John Walton whom tries to get everyone together for the special event for Elizabeth, while newlyweds Erin and Paul plan to move out of the Walton homestead.
Mother's Day on Waltons Mountain
Erin Walton
Mary Ellen marries Jonesy but they don't exactly have a good start.
A Wedding on Waltons Mountain
Erin Walton
Erin Walton is considering marrying her boyfriend Paul but her old boyfriend Ashley, who left for the war and married someone else, lived through his wife's death and would like to get Erin back, but Paul is not going to give her up so easily. Also Mary Ellen's boyfriend Jonesy who's a veterinarian is trying to establish a practice but everybody doesn't think he is competent. And Ben who has been minding the lumber business while their father's with their ailing mother in Arizona is having some problems and everybody's worried that he's digging himself a hole that he might not get out of.
The Other Victim
Zemack's Girlfriend
After his wife is raped, a man struggles to find ways to express the anger and helplessness which the crime has instilled in him.
Прекрасная, но опасная
Девушка решила заняться расследованием по поводу распространения наркотиков. Следы привели в школу где учился ее брат. В этом как-то замешаны чирлидерши местной школьной команды по футболу.
Midnight Offerings
Robin Prentiss
Vivian has magic powers. She doesn't hesitate to save her boyfriend David from failing in school by murdering teachers. However, David has gotten tired of her and is putting his charm on a new girl in school, Robin. Robin discovers that she also has magic powers, and before long the two girls clash violently.
The Homecoming: A Christmas Story
Erin Walton
The Walton family is preparing for Christmas in the early 1930s. It's Christmas Eve, and they are waiting for Daddy Walton to come home from his job in the city some 50 miles away. Since he is late, everyone is worried and over the radio the mother and grandparents hear about an overturned bus and hurt travelers but keep this news from the rest of the family. The story is really a coming of age story about the oldest son John-Boy who must cut down the tree with his grandfather since his father isn't home and is eventually told about his missing father and sets out to find him. An all round heartwarming story, especially if you are a fan of The Waltons. A simple story about a simple family in simple times. Great family entertainment!