José Cuenca


Un rayo de luz
Rómulo, mayordomo
A man and a woman have been secretly married. He belongs to a rich family and she is a poor actress and singer that is failing to success in her career. One day, he decides to tell his family that he's married and flies to Italy, where they live, but the flight has an accident and he dies. The man's brother goes to Spain to look for the body, and he discovers not only that his brother is married, also that his brother's wife is pregnant.
¿Dónde vas, triste de ti?
After the death of Queen Mercedes, Alfonso XII's first wife, the problem of the succession is raised. The monarchy needs a heir and the King choses María Cristina from Habsburd to be the futur spanish queen. But Mercedes memories will be against the marriage and the long-awaited son will born when Alfonso is already dead.
Red Cross Girls
Paloma, Isabel, Marion and Julia Madrid are four girls belonging to different social strata, who are preparing to apply for the Red Cross on the flag. The four girls will be sought by many young ...
The Little Nightingale
Joselito is a child whose mother left town when he was just a baby and whose father has died. He lives with his grandfather, the bellringer of the town, and his best friend is the sexton. He enjoys singing and has not lost hope of someday meeting her mother.
Roberto el diablo
Cuerda de presos
La chica del barrio
2º ciego
Crimen en el entreacto
Дон Кихот из Ла Манчи
Mercader (Merchant) (uncredited)
Под воздействием прочитанных рыцарских романов мелкопоместный дворянин Алонсо Кихано начинает представлять себя рыцарем Дон Кихотом. Вооружившись старым копьем, оседлав древнего Россинанта и водрузив на голову позаимствованный у цирюльника тазик для бритья он отправляется на битву с Мировым Злом в сопровождении верного слуги Санчо Пансы, объявленного оруженосцем. Друзья доброго Алонсо Кихано пытаются разными хитроумными способами вернуть его домой, вот только не понимают, что прежнего скромного помещика уже нет, а Дон Кихот – совсем другой человек.