Augusto Zanovello


Delegated Producer
In an old building, lost in the middle of the swamp, live two strange women, siamese twins by one leg. At night, the Flayed has terrifying nightmares in which she sees her sister's flesh covering her own body.
1930-е годы, Латинская Америка. В одной затерянной деревне есть странная традиция… Мэр опубликовал в регионе объявление: «Ищем труп, чтобы расширить Мираказас». Таким «счастливчиком» оказался только что убитый Эрнесто, и теперь он, вопреки своей воле, участвует в карнавальных похоронах. Собравшиеся жители с энтузиазмом празднуют это событие, с жадностью ожидая жизни, принесенной смертью.
The Island
Robinson is a doctor and unlike Robinson Crusoe, his solitude is voluntary but his island in the Mediterranean Sea is invaded by migrants, NGOs, guards. Friday is a castaway, the only one from his boat to have survived when sailing from Africa to Italy. During his strolls on the island, Robinson confronts his own solitude by keeping a diary - that works like augmented reality - filled with extraordinary beings and events, which both fill and trouble his daily life.
The New Adventures of Peter Pan: Fairy Friendship
Women's Letters
Women's Letters
Marsupilami - Le trésor du Marsupilami
Marsupilami - Les marsupiades
Marsupilami - Le rallye du Marsupilami
Le marsupilami dans la Pampa
Le marsupilami à New-York
Le Marsupilami à Hollywood
Lola et le piano à bruits
LOLA, 11 years old, is the older sister of SIMON, 5 years old, who has autism. Through her observations, she discovers her younger brother's hypersensitivity to the many small sounds that are hidden in the ambient cacophony. With the help of her friend ROLIH, she decides to build a machine that will create and amplify the sounds, in order to communicate with him.
Lola et le piano à bruits
LOLA, 11 years old, is the older sister of SIMON, 5 years old, who has autism. Through her observations, she discovers her younger brother's hypersensitivity to the many small sounds that are hidden in the ambient cacophony. With the help of her friend ROLIH, she decides to build a machine that will create and amplify the sounds, in order to communicate with him.
The Faun
French trench line, 1918. After being shot in the head and surviving, soldier André Musil deserts to search for his beloved twin sister Fernande, who has suddenly stopped writing. She’s a dancer at Les Ballets Russes who is rehearsing “L’après-midi d’un faune”, directed by Nijinski. But when André arrives in Paris, he finds out she’s vanished after crossing paths with a man named Lucien Guillet, aka Landru.