Yoshiharu Ota


Toe: 8 Days DVD
Art Direction
Toe 2012 Europe tour
Samurai from Nowhere
Director of Photography
Misawa Ihei (Nagato) is traveling with his wife Tae (Iwashita Shima) who abhors the practice of sword fighting for prize money. Tae is the daughter of the clan's chief counselor who married the low-ranking Ihei to avoid becoming the clan lord's mistress. Into the mix comes Oba Gunjuro (Tetsurō Tamba), a mysterious ronin who will do anything for money. This leads to a fitting climax as the forces of hate and love converge while the couple attempt to break through the border!
Tange Sazen
Director of Photography
In 1730, the Tokugawa Shogunate orders the Yagyu Clan to repair a huge shrine. Since it cannot refuse the Shogunate's request, the impoverished Yagyu Clan tries to raise funds by obtaining a sword which holds the key to a wondrous, hidden treasure. After learning the sword's secret, Tange Sazen sides with the Yagyu Clan, but his motive seems to be more than just pure interest in the treasure...
Pfc. Story - The Divine Tempest
Director of Photography
First installment of the "Pfc. Story" series of military-themed comedies from Shochiku, and seventh overall sequel to "Story of Second Class Private".
Отряд гранатомётчиков
Director of Photography
Фильм повествует о том, как американские солдаты японского происхождения с Гавайских островов, собранные в отряд гранатомётчиков, храбро сражаются во время войны в Корее и гибнут, демонстрируя героический «дух Ямато».