Greg Brown


Шугар Хилл
Два брата- Ромело и Рэй -ведут преступный бизнес в Гарлеме, мстя обидчикам отца и отражая натиск конкурентов. Жестокая действительность — жестокие методы, но Ромело, сочетающий качества интеллектуала и супермена, пытается выйти из игры начать спокойную жизнь с красавицей Мелиссой…
What's Up, Hideous Sun Demon
Z-grade horror flick "The Hideous Sun Demon" re-dubbed and re-edited into a monster-movie spoof about a suntan lotion that works from the inside out (it also has a certain side effect).
Running on Empty
Production Design
Mike loves his fast cars and his hot women. When he fancies the girlfriend of the local street racing king, Fox, he gets way in over his head in racing for his girl, his money and his life. Through racing, sex, nightclubs and small road trips the film depicts what it was like to be a teenager in Australia in the 1980's.