Director of Photography
Легенды гласят, что брахмастра — самое мощное и точное оружие в истории человечества, которое всегда находит цель и которое невозможно отразить, но использовать его можно только раз в жизни. Современный молодой человек по имени Шива обнаруживает в себе силушку несметную и загадочную связь с брахмастрой.
Assistant Camera
Produced in 1988, this feature documentary presents a living history of Quebec's last 40 years as seen through the eyes of one couple. Pauline Julien and Gérald Godin, two Quebec artists, share their perspectives on the events that have marked Quebec's evolution. Julien, a singer, and Godin, a poet, express their love and passion for the province (and each other) while providing a unique take on the Quebec nationalist movement.
Special Effects
In 1985, Chris Marker traveled to Japan to attend the filming of Ran, directed by Akira Kurosawa. Marker analyzes the progress of filming; the infinite patience of a team under the orders of a meticulous director down to the smallest detail; the antithetical mixture of the modern with the traditional; of the real with the fictitious; of life with cinema… and literature.