Bolesław Abart

Bolesław Abart

Рождение : 1935-08-13, Chorzów, Poland


Bolesław Abart


The Deluge Redivivus
The Deluge Redivivus is a new remastered cut of the original Polish “The Deluge” from 1974 that was released for the film's 40th anniversary in 2014.
Karuzela is a four person drama. It is a journey inside the souls of the main characters across the reefs of everyday dilemmas - the merry-go-round of life. An individual approach to the subject, obscure narration and absence of easy answers is what allows every viewer to embark on their own journey around the universal story told in the film. They are not even 30 years old and they have problems with finding work. When something comes their way, it is only a temporary 'junk contract'.The characters have to overcome their weaknesses and face the harsh reality.They are taking their life exams and do not want to make wrong choices again.This is a game witch will evoke emotions, allow to identify with the main characters and their complex world
Królowa chmur
Piotr manages to buy a splendid though dilapidated villa from the eccentric 80-year-old painter Mimi. The woman treats him like her long-lost only son whereas Piotr tries to send her away to old people's home.
Obcy musi fruwać
właściciel pralni
Frank O'Hara, asystent Holdinga
The esteemed transplantologist is the victim of a conspiracy of his colleagues, as a result of which his brain is transplanted into a pig.
The Mother of the Kings
Made in 1982, shelved for five years. Story opens with Lucja Krol's husband under the tram. She gives birth to her fourth son on the floor of their new apartment. Neighbor Wiktor, a communist intellectual, befriends the poverty-stricken family but is soon arrested and sent to jail. During the war Lucja narrowly escapes a Nazi roundup at the black market. Her sons hold ardent Communist meetings in their apartment, with her blessing. Lucja works hard, but without complaint. After the war, Klemens is inexplicably arrested, accused by the new regime of being a collaborator. Wiktor, now a high-ranking party member, trying to defend him, himself falls into disgrace. Klemens is tortured to "confess" and dies in jail, a Communist to the end. Lucja is never told about his fate.
Olympics 40
strażnik Fritz
The film deals with the a clandestine Olympiade held in a German POW camp during WW II, housing many Poles, but also French and Brits. A spit and a Polish German lieutenant is added to the staff of a prison camp. He sees a Pole, the acknowledged leader of the Polish prisoners, against whom he had competed during the Berlin Olympics in 1936. He asks the Pole to train with him but is refused; the Pole points out out that he is a prisoner and nothing more. But that plants the seed and the Pole proposes and Olympics 40 to be held among the prisoners. They ingeniously make a flag and medals, set up a number of races; a croaching hop race is unwittingly organized by a German prison guard who uses it as a torture. The German lieutenant knows that something is going on but cannot find out. Finally the Germans realize the idea and the Polish chief is sent to concentration camp but the others disobey the orders.
Дознание пилота Пиркса
Jan Otis
Крупная корпорация выпускает человекоподобных роботов, несмотря на общественное мнение, прессу и профсоюзы, которые выступают против. Принимается решение отправить космический корабль к Сатурну для запуска искусственных спутников, где экипаж будет состоять из роботов. Для осуществления полета выбирается пилот Пиркс, известный своей честностью и неподкупностью. Недоброжелатели из корпорации опасаются, что мнение Пиркса может сорвать прибыльное производство, и принимают свои меры.
Историческая эпопея Генрика Сенкевича, охватывающая события XVII века войны Речи Посполитой со шведами. Сложно складываются отношения главных героев Анджея Кмитица и Оленьки Биллевич. Волею судьбы Кмитиц связан клятвою с отступником Гетманом. Он оказывается в стане врагов и вынужден воевать против своих. Друзья считают его предателем, Оленька отказывается от него, а шведы прославляют. На долю Анджея выпадают тяжелые душевные и физические страдания. Но ценою своих ран, плена, героических подвигов ему удается возвратить себе родину, любимую и друзей. Вторая часть Трилогии Сенкевича.
The Investigation
A Scotland Yard officer investigates the mysterious disappearance of a series of corpses. Based on the novel by Stanislaw Lem.
The Epidemic
Truck driver
When Stanislaw Czermien is wrongfully accused of rape and murder, he decides to exonerate himself and track down the real perpetrator. He suspects him to be his own brother, Witold.
Złote koło
Дорожные знаки
kierowca Sosin
Михал после отбытия тюремного заключения устраивается на работу на транспортную базу, где выступает против воровства и мошенничества. Но его поддерживает только диспетчер Ядвига...
The Neighbours
A German man
A day before the beginning of the Second World War, a young resident of Bydgoszcz falls in love with a German teenager.