John Ophir
Two different men are possessed by spirits of Native Americans after they separately wander into a sacred burial ground. When John and Sybil come home with their son after a trip to the Mojave Desert, they bring an unusual stone back as a memento of the trip. The stone seems to cause strange noises and other horrible inexplicable phenomena.
Zindel's Clerk
В основе фильма — «война округа Джонсон», столкновение, произошедшее в Вайоминге в 1890 году. В округе Джонсон шериф Джеймс Эверилл пытается защитить интересы европейских иммигрантов-фермеров от посягательств богатых землевладельцев, которые нанимают Натана Чампиона, для устрашения поселенцев. Начинается вооружённый конфликт между наёмниками землевладельцев и фермерами, пытающимися построить новую жизнь на американской границе, который достигает апофеоза в жестоком сражении. И только регулярная армия сможет остановить кровопролитие.
Two Vietnam vets, Tom and Nordi, live sad lives in a crumbling New Jersey city. Sharing a one room apartment, they talk about their inability to hold down real work, struggle to get noticed at the VA and fail to connect with women. This changes for Tom when he meets Marcella and they begin a relationship. However, he can't escape his past with Nordi and the toxic bond soon takes a gruesome turn.
Tom Flynn
Two Vietnam vets, Tom and Nordi, live sad lives in a crumbling New Jersey city. Sharing a one room apartment, they talk about their inability to hold down real work, struggle to get noticed at the VA and fail to connect with women. This changes for Tom when he meets Marcella and they begin a relationship. However, he can't escape his past with Nordi and the toxic bond soon takes a gruesome turn.