Patrick Ghiringhelli


Heureux Gagnants
Director of Photography
Making Of
Director of Photography
Таинственное убийство
Director of Photography
Каждый следователь сталкивается с преступлением, которое не может раскрыть и которое не дает ему покоя. Для Йохана - это убийство Клары. Допросы и подозреваемые сменяют друг друга, а Йохан все больше сомневается в успехе. Точно известно одно: преступление произошло в ночь на 12-е...
Tom Medina
Director of Photography
Tom Medina is sent by a juvenile judge to the Camargue, to live with Ulysses, a kind-hearted man in tune with nature. Inhabited by visions, fascinated by bulls and horses, Tom learns the trade of a herdsman at Ulysses’ side. He no longer steals and now thirsts for knowledge and aspires to become someone else. Revolted by the hostility which does not change towards him, he fights against his destiny and crosses the road of Suzanne…
Meurtres en Berry
Camera Car
Магия зверя
Director of Photography
В окрестностях альпийской деревушки во время снежной бури исчезает богатая парижанка Эвелин Дюка. К этому таинственному происшествию неожиданным образом оказываются причастны несколько человек: фермер и его жена, страдающая от неразделенной любви юная официантка, здешний изгой и мошенник-африканец, никогда не покидавший пределы своей родины и заключивший пугающий союз с духами зла…
Journey from Greece
Director of Photography
Djam, a young Greek woman, is sent to Istanbul by her uncle Kakourgos, a former sailor with a passion for Rebetiko, to find a rare part that will repair their boat. In Istanbul, she encounters Avril, a nineteen-year-old French girl, alone and without any money, who came to Turkey as a voluntary worker with refugees. Djam, generous, cheeky, unpredictable, and free-spirited, takes Avril under her wing on the way to Mytilene. A journey filled with encounters, music, sharing, and hope.
Director of Photography
South of France. In the sultry August heat, Geronimo, a young social educator, tries to ease tensions between the youngsters of the St Pierre neighborhood. The mood changes when Nil Terzi, a teenage girl of Turkish origin, flees an arranged marriage, running to the arms of her gypsy lover, Lucky Molina. Their escape sparks hostilities between the two clans. When the jousting and the musical battles begin, Geronimo struggles to quell the ensuing unrest around her.
Wrinkles of the City: La Havana
Camera Car
In 2012, the french artist JR collaborates with Cuban-American artist Jose Parla in Cuba for the Havana Biennale. Through JR's pasting and Jose's painting they created murals to tell the stories of 25 senior citizens who have lived through the Cuban revolution.
Women Are Heroes
Director of Photography
In his film "Women Are Heroes", photographer JR takes his audience into some exceptional women’s lives. Because there are, most of the time, the first victims in war-time and left to their own during peace-time, JR pays tribute to those women who, in spite of the hurdles, keep smiling, keep fighting and keep hoping a better life. From Rio’s shantytowns to Kenyan slums, passing by Indian and Cambodian streets, he offers a fresh look at their struggles and expectations. Displaying their portraits via huge montages on their neighborhood’s walls, JR sublimates those extraordinary destinies and sheds the lights on those strong and moving personalities, too rarely recognized enough.
Toumast - Entre Guitare et Kalashnikov
Director of Photography
История Ришара О
Director of Photography
Ришар О. — мужчина без определённого рода занятий, около 40 лет, скучает по своей подруге, любит секс, с недавних пор увлёкся борьбой, дружит с долговязым Леграном. На одном из свиданий девушка попросит Ришара изнасиловать её после того, как она уснёт…
Here to Where
Director of Photography
A mock documentary about an American filmmaker who wants to produce a film about the real-life story of Merhan "Alfred" Nasseri, a refugee from Iran who, through a series of bureaucratic snafus and the theft of his identification papers, has been stranded in Charles de Gaulle airport since 1988. Nasseri is reluctant to take part, but the pushy director will stop at nothing to see his vision come to life.
Je suis innocent parce que je suis innocent
Director of Photography
In 1976, the second trial of Pierre Goldman, a far-left activist suspected of killing two pharmacists during a robbery gone wrong, was held. The case mobilized many media figures.