Christianne Bennetto


Second Assistant Director
События разворачиваются в Южной Африке. Саманта О'Хара руководит группой наёмников, которой поручено ответственную миссию по освобождению заложников. Преступники похитили и удерживают школьниц, среди которых – дочь местного губернатора Асила. Люди О'Хары хорошо подготовились к операции.
I am Luna van Wyk. A 14 year old girl. This is the story of Mignon "Mossie" Van Wyk, my older sister. Oh and her best friend Adriaan Prinsloo, who I think she should marry. But that's just me. For some weird reason Mossie falls in love with older guys - enter Leon Rossouw - obviously without a shirt. This is a story about love, naturally, but it's more about being a teenager and how rough life can be. It's a story about monsters and running shoes. About letting go and holding on. About friendship. It's a story about my sister and how she learns to fly.
Little One
Little One is a story about ordinary people living day to day in a poverty-stricken environment where despite the crime and tough living conditions there is still hope and love to be found.