Felipe Mariscal


Яд для фей
Camera Operator
Две маленькие девочки: блондинка Вероника и брюнетка Флавия. Вероника является очень странной девочкой: она имеет неплохие познания о ведьмах и всём, что с ними связано, а также является довольно жестоким ребенком. Постепенно путем своей изобретательности и различных ухищрений она убеждает Флавию в том, что перед ней настоящая ведьма, знающая многое о колдовстве и имеющая связи в мире тьмы. И теперь, когда Флавия безоглядно верит всему, что ей говорят, Вероника просит её помочь приготовить яд для Фей. Чем же закончится эта невинная на первый взгляд, детская игра?
Paper Flowers
Camera Operator
On the thinnest of pretexts, a horde of homeless people descend on the apartments of two members of the comfortable middle class and proceed to loot and vandalize both homes, leaving the next morning with many of the belongings they found there, as well as one of the residents who has opted to join them. This political allegory is based on two plays by the Chilean playwright Egon Wolff.
Before the Corpse of a Leader
Camera Operator
A union leader dies in a sleazy hotel room, then the wife, mistress, police, co workers, reporters, colleagues, and political figures arrive to the hotel and each has its own intentions.
Wild Wind
Camera Operator
A drama, western film.
Matar es fácil
Camera Operator
Among Delia, a socialite, and Jorge a bohemian cabaret pianist, begins a relationship that ends in tragedy.
The World of the Vampires
Camera Operator
A vampire uses two sisters to seek revenge from the last member of a family that persecuted the undead in Europe, but his plan is threatened by a man who knows how to destroy him with a peculiar piece of music.
The Shadow of the Strongman
Camera Operator
Post-revolucionary Mexico. War secretary Ignacio Jimenez is chosen as the candidate for presidency, but he isn't so sure about it, because he knows that his boss and current president, El Caudillo, has chosen a second one.
La diosa de Tahití
Camera Operator
A fugitive hides from justice among smugglers in the deep jungle of an exotic island, but things become complicated when he falls in love with a local cabaret dancer.
Hombres sin alma
Camera Operator
Final installment in Juan Orol's Percal trilogy. In this film, Malena is freed from prison by a gangster but a rival mobster will make things impossible for them.
El infierno de los pobres
Camera Operator
A young woman becomes pregnant but when his boyfriend leaves her she gets a job as a prostitute in order to provide for her child.
Que idiotas son los hombres
Camera Operator
After divorcing her cheating husband, a newly single still and beautiful woman, (played by Actress Rosa Carmina), travels to Acapulco. She soon becomes the center of attention and spoiled for choice when she finds herself wooed by no less than four handsome suitors, three of whom are very wealthy and prominent men. Initially torn between her head and her heart, but mindful of past mistakes, Carmina's character chooses love over money and picks a humble and hard-working waiter. Directed by Juan Orol, (Carmina's soon-to-be ex-husband in real-life), this drama features the long, drawn-out scenes and shadowy film noir techniques which he became well- known for.
Madre querida
Camera Operator