Frank Arrigo

Рождение : 1917-11-03, Los Angeles, California, USA

Смерть : 1977-05-09


Unit Production Manager
A Vietnam veteran suffering from post traumatic stress disorder breaks out of a VA hospital and goes on a road trip with a sympathetic traveler to find out what became of the other men in his unit.
The Third Girl from the Left
Art Direction
A chorus girl comes to the realization that she is not getting any younger and that her longtime relationship with a nightclub singer is going nowhere. She finds herself attracted to an unassuming but attentive--and much younger--delivery boy.
The Return of Charlie Chan
Art Direction
Charlie Chan comes out of retirement to investigate a murder case aboard the yacht of a wealthy Greek shipping tycoon.
Flight of the Doves
Art Direction
While fleeing across the Irish countryside, two orphans are pursued by their villainous uncle, a master of disguises.
Lost Flight
Art Direction
The captain of a downed airliner must help his crew and passengers survive on a deserted jungle island in the midst of a power struggle - an adult version of "Lord of the Flies."
Солдат в синем мундире
Art Direction
Отряд кавалерии, сопровождавший золото, подвергся нападению индейцев и был уничтожен. Спаслись только женщина и один солдат. Вместе они добираются до своих, по пути между ними завязывается роман…
Перемени обличие
Art Direction
Три будущие монахини готовятся принести последнюю присягу верности своему ордену, и в качестве решающей проверки отправляются в один из буйных кварталов города, притворяясь миссионерами, помогающими доктору Джону Карпентеру в его частной клинике. Одна из девушек влюбляется в доктора и теперь ей придется выбирать между замужней мирской жизнью и монашеским долгом…
Адские бойцы
Art Direction
Чэнс Бакмен, лидер пожарной команды, специализирующейся на тушении наиболее опасных возгораний на нефтяных месторождениях, получает государственный контракт на ликвидацию пожаров в зоне военных действий.
House of Cards
Art Direction
In 1960s Paris, an American boxer stumbles upon an international fascist conspiracy that aims to create a new world order.
Охотники за скальпами
Art Direction
В представлении, полном огня и винных паров, Берт Ланкастер исполняет роль Джо Басса, бывалого охотника за пушниной. С трудом добытые им шкурки легко уместились в связке его «приятеля» Кайовы, а взамен Джо получил беглого раба Осси Дэвиса. Срок повинности раба зависит от решения городского судьи Джозефа. И как только раб окажется на свободе, герой Ланкастера, по уговору, получит пушнину назад. На арене внезапно появляется банда мародерствующих браконьеров во главе с персонажем Телли Саваласа и его вечно прокуренной спутницы в исполнении Шелли Уинтерс. Адская свистопляска начинается...
The Outsider
Art Direction
Darren McGavin is David Ross, a private investigator playing a game of follow the money. A simple case of embezzling turns bad quickly when bodies start dropping and the savvy P.I. is the primary suspect in an attractive woman's death. This NBC TV movie served as a pilot for the later series.
Rough Night in Jericho
Art Direction
The only business in the Wild West town of Jericho that corrupt sheriff Alex Flood doesn't control behind the scenes is the stagecoach owned by tough-willed widow Molly Lang and her right-hand man, Hickman. Former marshal Dolan, recently hired by Lang and Hickman as a driver, wants to stay out of the mess, but when he sees Flood's henchman Yarbrough assault Lang, he steps up to fight the corruption.
Winchester '73
Art Direction
TV Remake of the 1950 James Stewart Western movie of the same title has two brothers, one an ex-con the other a law officer, competing for possession of the famed repeating rifle.
Wings of Fire
Art Direction
A headstrong aviatrix enters and international air race to save her father's foundering business and to soothe the heart of an old flame who returned home with a new wife in tow.
The Doomsday Flight
Art Direction
A bomb on board an airliner has an altitude-sensitive trigger. Unless a ransom is paid, it will explode when the plane descends to land.
Разорванный занавес
Art Direction
Майкл Армстронг — американский профессор физик разрабатывает новый вид ядерных ракет. Для того чтобы узнать секретную формулу конкурента — ученого Густава Линдта из Лейпцига, Армстронг временно переезжает в Восточную Германию.
Art Direction
В офисе крупной компании происходят странные события: один человек выпадает из окна, другой - талантливый ученый - теряет память. Для расследования ученый нанимает детектива, но сам становится мишенью для преступников…
Bus Riley's Back in Town
Art Direction
Bus Riley returns to his small town after time in the army. On his return, his ex-girlfriend wants to resume their relationship. The only problem is she has married in the mean time. Searching for fulfilment in his life, Bus decides to get a job with his gay friend who is a mortician. When the mortician makes a pass at him, Bus quickly gets out.
Art Direction
Наёмные убийцы Чарли и Ли убивают бывшего автогонщика Джонни Норта. Они знают, что Норт участвовал в ограблении на миллион долларов и хотят найти этот миллион. А также их интересует вопрос, почему жертва не пыталась от них скрыться. Они узнают о прошлом Джонни Норта, находят его подельников, его возлюбленную и того, кто заказал его убийство.
The Storm
Art Direction
A newlywed woman is alone in her home during a devastating storm. As she waits for her husband to return, she is besieged by menacing sounds throughout the house, power outages, a jumpy pet black cat, and a creepy cabbie. After much deliberation, she decides to investigate a strange disturbance in the storm cellar.
Spoilers of the Forest
Art Direction
Vera Ralston plays Joan Milna, who shares several thousand acres of valuable Montana timberland with her stepfather (John Alderson). Coveting Joan's property, lumber baron Eric Warren (Ray Collins) sends out his foreman Boyd Caldwell (Rod Cameron) to persuade her to sell. Instead, Caldwell falls in love with the girl, vowing to protect her trees from the eco-unfriendly Warren. Republic's wide-screen Naturama process is shown to good advantage throughout Spoilers of the Forest.
Art Direction
For Capt. Robert John Evans, smuggling black-market goods is nothing out of the ordinary. But one day he's hired by Aristides Mavros for a more involved assignment -- sneaking an imprisoned American out of communist-controlled territory. The job seems challenging enough, but when he meets the prisoner's sultry wife, Sylvia, he realizes his mission comes with a startling catch: Not only must he rescue this man, he must bring him back from the dead.
Stranger at My Door
Art Direction
Notorious outlaw Clay Anderson and gang rob the town bank and flee in separate directions. Riding hard, Clay's horse goes lame and he is forced to pull-up at a nearby farm. He soon discovers that the place belongs to local preacher Hollis Jarret, his new wife, and a son from a previous marriage. Clay, posing as a weary traveler, tries to insinuate himself into a secure hideout, but the reverend isn't fooled. He agrees to allow Clay to remain at the farm for a few days, but his motive isn't the preservation of his family's safety. Hollis reasons that, with time, patience and a lot of faith, he can convince the outlaw to turn over a new leaf. But Clay's criminal tendencies may run deeper than the preacher had imagined
Come Next Spring
Art Direction
Matt Ballot has returned home after 12 years of hard-drinking in all 48 states. His wife has managed to raise their 14-year-old daughter and 12-year-old son nicely without his help. Matt is considered a disgrace to the town he came from and now he finds himself trying to win the love of his children, his wife, and the respect of the townspeople. Set in Arkansas in the 1920s.
The Last Command
Art Direction
During the Texas War of Independence of 1836 American frontiersman and pioneer Jim Bowie pleads for caution with the rebellious Texicans. They don't heed his advice since he's a Mexican citizen, married to the daughter of the Mexican vice-governor of the province and a friend to General Santa Anna since the days they had fought together for Mexico's independence. After serving as president for 22 years, Santa Anna has become too powerful and arrogant. He rules Mexico with an iron fist and he would not allow Texas to self-govern. Bowie sides with the Texans in their bid for independence and urges a cautious strategy, given Santa Anna's power and cunning. Despite the disagreement between the Texicans and Bowie regarding the right strategy they ask Bowie to lead them in a last-ditch stand, at Alamo, against General Santa Anna's numerically superior forces.
Santa Fe Passage
Art Direction
A disgraced Indian scout and his partner are hired to escort a wagonload of guns through Indian territory.
Hell's Outpost
Art Direction
A returning Korean War vet becomes embroiled in a fight over possession of a tungsten mine.
Jubilee Trail
Art Direction
A wild-west trader and his New York wife head out for the California by wagon train. The trader is killed enroute, and his wife finds herself with child. She continues on hoping to find a man and a home.
Phantom Stallion
Art Direction
Ex-cavalry buddies, Rex and Slim, band together to capture a wild stallion, solve a murder and thwart the killers from cheating a boy out of his inheritance.
Fair Wind to Java
Art Direction
The Dutch East Indies, at the end of the nineteenth century. An adventurous captain of an American merchant vessel is looking for a sunken Dutch vessel containing 10,000 precious diamonds. Unfortunately, he's not the only one and then there's also that volcano on the nearby island of Krakatau, waiting to explode in its historical, disastrous eruption...
Ride the Man Down
Art Direction
After Celia's father dies, a war erupts over control of his land.
Lady Possessed
Art Direction
A pianist takes his ailing wife out of a London hospital at the same time that another female patient there has suffered a miscarriage. Afterwards, the second woman feels empty and withdrawn, and, thinking that getting her away from London will help, her husband takes her to live at a country estate, which turns out to be the former residence of the pianist who left after his wife died. The woman begins to get visions of the wife and her final days; is she becoming possessed by the dead wife of the pianist?
California Passage
Art Direction
A series of reversals bring two desperate people together. When a saloon owner is framed by his partner for a stagecoach robbery, he fights to secure an acquittal.
Trail of Robin Hood
Art Direction
Retired actor Jack Holt is raising Christmas trees for sale at a cost which permits every family to have one. A commercial tree company tries to drive Holt out of business. Roy saves the day, of course.
The Missourians
Art Direction
In the little town of Dorado, widely known as a town with no crime and no bank to rob, young Polish-born Steve Kovacs is fighting a two-edged sword of prejudice; his foreign birth and also the fact that his brother, Nick Kovacs, is the leader of an outlaw gang known as The Missourians.
Under Mexicali Stars
Art Direction
Cowboy T-man, Rex Allen, and his partner, Homer Oglethorpe (Buddy Ebsen), go undercover to track down some gold smugglers.
Redwood Forest Trail
Art Direction
Forest Ranger and singing cowboy, Rex Allen, attempts to save a camp for underprivileged boys with the help of "Alfalfa " Switzer who plays one of the boys.
Frisco Tornado
Art Direction
U.S. marshal sets out to end an insurance scam: salesmen provide cow town folk with insurance against outlaw activity, outlaws who work for the insurance salesmen.
The Showdown
Art Direction
Shadrach Jones, ex-Texas State Policeman, has the ruthless determination to find and kill the man who shot his brother in the back and stole the money with which he was to buy a ranch for the two of them. At the saloon-hotel run by Adelaide, Shadrach is convinced that one of the cowhands on the Captain McKellar cattle drive to Montana is his man. He takes the job of trail-herd boss to find the killer. McKellar preaches to Jones that he should forget revenge and let the law of retribution take care of the killer. Shadrach's hard driving of the men and his hunt for the killer makes him bitterly hated, and his retribution quest ends in a manner he did not anticipated.
Rock Island Trail
Art Direction
A greedy businessman tries to block the building of a new railroad in his area.
The Vanishing Westerner
Art Direction
Posing as wanted men, Chris and Waldorf get hired by Sanderson. He sends them to kill the Sheriff but puts blanks in their guns. When they arrive someone else shoots the Sheriff and Chris is blamed and jailed. The Sheriff's brother then incites the mob to hang Chris.
Harbor of Missing Men
Art Direction
A smuggler hides from hit men with a Greek fisherman and his daughter.
Code of the Silver Sage
Art Direction
Arizona Territory is in the grip of outlaw terror and killer outlaws, secretly organized by Hulon Champion, who covers his power ambitions with the guise of a respectable firearms merchant. Hoping to eradicate the lawlessness plaguing the newspaperman Fred Gately prints a letter asking the president to visit the area. But Fred's killed by secret gang leader Champion, who also plans to assassinate the president. Undercover officer Rocky Lane teams with his assistant, Nugget, and Fred's spunky daughter to combat Champion's head gunslinger.
Art Direction
A U.S. Marshal goes undercover to stop a cattle smuggling gang, but when his cover is blown, the hunter becomes the hunted.
Susanna Pass
Art Direction
The bad guys dynamite a fish hatchery. They're trying to put the hatchery out of business so they can get possession of oil underneath the lake. Roy is a game warden investigating the dynamiting.
The Last Bandit
Art Direction
About to marry Jim Plummer, Kate Foley runs off to Nevada when Ed Bagley convinces her a quick fortune can be made robbing gold shipments that are being transported by the railroad. In Bannock City she meets reformed-bandit Frank Plummer, posing as Frank Norris, brother of Jim Plummer, who has being going straight and working as an express shipment guard. Jim also shows up and plans a robbery by stealing a train and hiding it in an abandoned tunnel. The two brothers are on opposite sides of the law with the now-reformed Kate caught in the middle.
The Denver Kid
Art Direction
When Border Patrol Lieutenant Roberts is killed, it appears that his brother Tim was the killer. To clear the Robert's name for his boss, Lieutenant Rocky Lane heads south of the border posing as an outlaw. He hopes to get in with the gang and find Tim who is using an assumed name. As always, Nugget is there to help.
Secret Service Investigator
Art Direction
Lloyd Bridges plays a flying ace war hero who gets sucked into a counterfeiting scheme by opposing gangs of crooks.
Lightnin' in the Forest
Art Direction
Psychiatrist David Lamont is pressured into "analyzing" the madcap but glamorous niece of a judge. Then crooks on the lam intrude...
The Inside Story
Art Direction
A collection agent arrives in a small town with $1000 for a local farmer. Whilst waiting for the farmer to arrive the money is put in a safe at a hotel for safe keeping. However, it is removed by mistake and solves a number of financial problems before it is returned.
Madonna of the Desert
Art Direction
A jeweled Madonna, property of rancher Joe Salinas, attracts two crooks to his ranch, Monica Dell, a smooth operator, and ruthless Nick Julian. Joe believe that the statue has a miraculous power to ward off evil, and Monica, after a narrow escape from injury while trying to steal the statue, is converted to Joe's faith and refuses to go through with the robbery. Nick has no such intentions.
Art Direction
An orphan helps a doctor fight an epidemic in a small western town, in one of Allan Dwan’s closely observed studies in Americana.
Marshal of Cripple Creek
Art Direction
Tom Lambert arrives and Long John Case gets him into trouble. To protect his wife and son he refuses to talk and is sent to prison. Long John then gets Lambert's son into his outlaw gang but Lambert is told the boy's problems are caused by Red Ryder. So Lambert breaks prison planning to kill Red. [Written by Maurice Van Auken]
That's My Man
Art Direction
A poor young man is finally able to achieve his dream of running a horse at the track, but when he starts becoming successful, he begins to lose sight of what mattered to him before.