Michael De Guzman

Michael De Guzman


Michael De Guzman


The King and Queen of Moonlight Bay
Alison Dodge, a 17-year old raised by her mother, decides on her own to spend her last summer before college getting to know her father
The King and Queen of Moonlight Bay
Alison Dodge, a 17-year old raised by her mother, decides on her own to spend her last summer before college getting to know her father
Lost Treasure of Dos Santos
Shaw, an inveterate explorer and Willa, the headstrong daughter of a famous archaeologist, team up to search for a lost treasure described in an old journal. However, things don't go according to plan as Shaw and his team are tracked through the mountains by Stark who has his own ideas about the fate of the gold.
Ангел с Пенсильвания-авеню
Когда безработного из Детройта посадили в тюрьму за преступление, которое он не совершал, трое его детей решили во чтобы то ни стало освободить своего папу к Рождеству, и для это выбрали себе в союзники «самого могущественного человека на свете»... президента Гувера.
Hidden in America
Story of a man whose pride in being the head of his family won't let him accept help from his sick daughters doctor. He has to prove to his kids that even with the death of his wife and the loss of his job that they can and will survive. After hitting brick wall after brick wall comes a glimmer of hope.
Babe Ruth
A film based on the home-run legend's life.
Red Earth, White Earth
Guy Pehrsson is summoned by his grandfather to return to the farming community of his childhood. He arrives from the City to find that his mother has finally left his alcoholic and abusive father and now lives among the Indians, Guy's childhood friends and neighbours. He also discovers friction between the white farmers and the local Indians, now faced with the choice of selling or retaining their land. A choice made harder by poverty. Guy's boyhood friend, Tom Redfox, leads those Indians who wish to keep their land. Against the background of ensuing confrontation, Guy becomes reacquainted with his estranged parents, his childhood friends and old values, leading to a tragedy that affect the whole community.
Челюсти 4: Месть
Полицейский Мартин Броди умирает от сердечного приступа. Его младший сын Шон погибает в схватке с большой белой акулой. Эллен Броди абсолютно убеждена, что гигантское белое чудовище мстит ее семье. Миссис Броди летит на Багамы к старшему сыну Майклу, который работает морским биологом, чтобы предупредить о смертельной опасности…
As Summers Die
Set in a sleepy Southern Louisiana town in 1959, a lawyer, searches for justice as he volunteers to help a black woman whose property is being threatened by the Holts, the first family of the town, after she refuses to sell her valuable land.
As Summers Die
Set in a sleepy Southern Louisiana town in 1959, a lawyer, searches for justice as he volunteers to help a black woman whose property is being threatened by the Holts, the first family of the town, after she refuses to sell her valuable land.
The Winter of Our Discontent
This story tells those self-denials of an honest man what necessary to reach his object of life.
The story of James Thornwell, whose accusation that the U.S. Army used mind control drugs on him to force him to confess to stealing secret documents while stationed in Orleans, France, in 1961, led Congress to award him $625,000 in damages nearly 20 years later.
Act of Love
A tragic motorcycle accident leaves one brother paralyzed while the other brother is left guilt-ridden. Seeing his brother struggle with his new life of limited mobility and function, the young man finds his own life weighed down by his thoughts and feelings about the accident. Motivated by his emotions and the suffering of his brother, the young man performs an "act of love" which creates more chaos for him.
Strangers: The Story of a Mother and Daughter
A woman, who had left home 20 years previously under acrimonious circumstances, finds out that she is terminally ill. She returns home and tries to rebuild her relationship with her embittered mother before she dies.