Set Decoration
1943 год. Эти французы никогда не были во Франции, однако перед лицом войны Саид, Абделькадер, Мессауд и Яссир присоединяются к французской армии, чтобы защищать свою Родину от нацистов вместе со 130-ю тысячами других потенциальных жителей страны. Эти герои были надолго забыты историей, но подвиг не стерся из памяти людей совсем. Их силами были одержаны победы в Италии, Провансе и Восге, а главный бой ожидал воинов в маленькой деревушке Эльзас, где четверым храбрецам пришлось в одиночку противостоять целому батальону немецких захватчиков.
Associate Producer
Париж, май 1968 года. Сотни тысяч молодых людей выходят с протестом на улицы. Главному герою, Франсуа недавно исполнилось двадцать, и, как и большей части его поколения, ему нечего терять. Во время бунта Франсуа встречает Лили, и между ними вспыхивает безумная страсть.
Lucas, a young sociologist, finds in his home village two friends, Isabelle and Simon. Discovering that they almost got married ten years earlier, he sets out to bring them together again. However, Isabelle is in fact falling in love with Lucas. Written by
Thomas has been estranged from his brother Luc for several years, due in part to his difficulties in dealing with Luc's homosexuality. But when Thomas is diagnosed with a rare blood disease, which is difficult to treat and impossible to cure, he decides he wants to bring Luc back into his life. The brothers soon become inseparable, and their new relationship begins to alienate their significant others.
There were four friends. Now there are only three – one of them has just died in Sicily in a stupid road accident. Fifteen years earlier, Tomas, a young French filmmaker, had made the group the subject of a documentary. He had become their friend, their brother from Paris.
In a nursing home for disabled near Toulon, René is unanimously hated by all. With fifty years and suffering from myopathy, has an irascible, rebellious character. But not resist provocations candor and uprightness of Julie, a special educator rookie. He confesses he wants to make love to a woman before her degenerative disease definitely catch it. Then Julie goes after one of the prostitutes who work in caravans along the N7.
Set in Limoges, the movie tells the story of "good son" Franck (Jalil Lespert), who returns to his hometown to do a trainee managerial internship in the Human Resources department of the factory where his anxious, taciturn father has worked for 23 years.
On Christmas Eve, Léa and Juliette, a couple, want to rob a supermarket that Juliette knows is empty of surveillance on this festive evening. But, as much for each of them as for Eric, the vigil who is there after all, nothing will happen as planned. Besides, shortly before leaving him alone, the store manager gave Eric a gun, just in case.
In this French drama, a teenager falls into a life of crime, little realizing the consequences. S. is a moody young man who loses his job at a bakery, and decides to throw in his lot with a group of thieves about the same age as himself. S. and his cronies are strictly small-timers, pulling off second-rate break-ins for an older crime boss, but his willingness to do what he's told helps him rise up the ladder to bigger and more lucrative jobs. However, S. lacks the maturity or experience to deal with the risks, and after a few disastrous mistakes, he finds his fortunes sinking far faster than they rose.
Executive Producer
В XXI веке в Тайване семь дней непрерывно идет дождь. По радио постоянно сообщают об эпидемии и эвакуации жителей города. В небоскребе живут два жителя — молодой человек на последнем этаже и девушка этажом ниже. Они общаются через дыру в потолке.
The end of the millenium has taken on a certain significance in modern day prophecies. What happens if Jesus Christ has second thoughts about the Apocalypse? It is December 31, 1999 and New Year's Eve takes on new meaning when the Devil, Jesus Christ, and Christ's assistant Magdelina discuss and debate the end of the world, the opening of the seven seals, and the essence of being human.