Set in the heart of Christmas, the film tells the story of Sergio, a boy who could not finish the year in worse shape. It is New Year's Eve, the heaviest snowfall in thirty years is falling, all flights are canceled and he has to take the grapes (a tradition in Spain for New Year's Eve) with the other passengers in a roadside hotel. But that's not all, because he will have to manage to get on a night what he has failed in several months: to win back her ex girlfriend Bea before she goes to work in Germany. All with the help of a group of travelers who are the worst team in the world
Azafata 1
Life for Adela, a single mom trying to raise her infant son, and Antonia, a widow with three daughters, are forever altered by the terrorist bombing in Madrid.
Современный Мадрид. Раймунда — привлекательная молодая испанка живет с безработным мужем и подрастающей красавицей-дочерью. Семье катастрофически не хватает денег и поэтому ей приходится трудиться сразу на нескольких работах. Раймунда — сильный, волевой человек, прирожденный боец, но, как всякая женщина, она невероятно ранима. С самого детства она хранит тайну…