Sound Effects Editor
Продолжение приключений борющегося с преступностью супергероя Шазама.
Sound Effects Editor
В поисках идей молодой художник из Чикаго Энтони Маккой решает изучить историю района, куда он недавно переехал вместе со своей подругой. Исследование знакомит его с пожилым местным жителем, который рассказывает парню о печально известном маньяке Кэндимене, убивающего тех, кто перед зеркалом пять раз произнесёт его имя. Вдохновившись этой историей, Энтони создаёт экспонат для выставки, где после закрытия происходит двойное убийство.
Supervising Sound Editor
As 4/20 begins, a dispensary owner launches into a day of haphazard activities he hopes will spark new business and keep his struggling store afloat. His biggest threat is a wide-eyed drug dealer hoping to reclaim the local cannabis business. Meanwhile, a trio of soon-to-be high school graduates try to scheme their way in to buy enough weed to properly toast their long-lasting friendship. And as two potential lovers struggle to align their views on pot, an elderly woman strikes up an odd friendship with a young immigrant with a secret. All the while, an edibles chef strives to impress her disapproving family with her burgeoning food truck. On this glorious holiday, people across life's spectrum will find they have more in common than just a love of herb.
Sound Designer
As 4/20 begins, a dispensary owner launches into a day of haphazard activities he hopes will spark new business and keep his struggling store afloat. His biggest threat is a wide-eyed drug dealer hoping to reclaim the local cannabis business. Meanwhile, a trio of soon-to-be high school graduates try to scheme their way in to buy enough weed to properly toast their long-lasting friendship. And as two potential lovers struggle to align their views on pot, an elderly woman strikes up an odd friendship with a young immigrant with a secret. All the while, an edibles chef strives to impress her disapproving family with her burgeoning food truck. On this glorious holiday, people across life's spectrum will find they have more in common than just a love of herb.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
As 4/20 begins, a dispensary owner launches into a day of haphazard activities he hopes will spark new business and keep his struggling store afloat. His biggest threat is a wide-eyed drug dealer hoping to reclaim the local cannabis business. Meanwhile, a trio of soon-to-be high school graduates try to scheme their way in to buy enough weed to properly toast their long-lasting friendship. And as two potential lovers struggle to align their views on pot, an elderly woman strikes up an odd friendship with a young immigrant with a secret. All the while, an edibles chef strives to impress her disapproving family with her burgeoning food truck. On this glorious holiday, people across life's spectrum will find they have more in common than just a love of herb.
Music Editor
In this action packed, international comedy thriller, three cops and a female reporter are in hot pursuit of a murderer whose quest is to acquire the Sacred Kuji Denjo Scrolls. As the team traverses across the globe in this perilous adventure, they can't seem to avoid hand to hand combat battles, white knuckle car chases, sword fights, and explosive gun fights. The crew must find a way to discover the murderer fast enough so they are no longer targets of ancient Thailand's Weirding Clan. Directed by Marcus Aurelius.
Sound Designer
«Комната 237» — субъективная документальная картина, предметом которой стали различные теории о скрытых смыслах, зашифрованных в «Сиянии» Стенли Кубрика.
Sound Effects Editor
20 тысяч подростков курортного городка у озера Виктория готовятся к празднованию ежегодного праздника начала лета. Но ночное землетрясение высвобождает сотни тысяч доисторических пираний прямо накануне торжества. Очаровательная шериф, ее подчиненные-полицейские и доктор Горден Рэйбэнкс решают сделать все, чтобы веселый праздник молодежи в озере не превратился в кровавое пиршество. Но пираньи уже знают ответ, кто победит: молодость или многовековая жажда крови…